Taxes Aren’t Leviathan’s Only Extortion

If you’re like me, you  never doubted that someone—obviously, either Obummer or the Deep State (forgive the repetition)—blackmailed Gowned Clown John Roberts; only extortion explained his sudden switch to support Obummercare. The sole question concerned the area in which he was vulnerable.

An article David Mueller forwarded explosively confirms that probability:

Tapes released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow — preserved on a Whistleblower Soundcloud page managed by citizen journalist Mary Fanning

Mary, I hope you’ve got a safe house somewhere, or you’re not long for this world.

— show real estate billionaire Timothy Blixseth explaining Brennan and Clapper’s surveillance program to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and detective Mike Zullo.

Ditto to you three dudes.

The existence of this surveillance program has been corroborated by Wikileaks’ “Vault 7” release and by the public comments of former CIA and NSA contractor Dennis Montgomery, who says he worked on the program for Brennan and Clapper.

I foresee several “suicides” here.

Meanwhile, we also know the shakedown’s subject: Roberts and his wife had adopted a couple of children from Latin America, perhaps “illegally.” You would think that when a couple opens its home to children who need one, even Leviathan would relent. But no: it pursues such benefactors with gusto.

I’m sure the rest of the court is in the same boat; indeed, all Our Rulers likely are. But don’t waste sympathy on them: they could pull the plug on the Surveillance State any time they grew a backbone.

Then again, Donald Trump offers a graphic lesson in what happens to those who challenge this unspeakable evil. I often wonder how many threats he’s received against his family or finances.


7:33 am on December 18, 2020