Snake Oil Tycoons: Big Pharma & Their Friends in Power. The Biggest Con Men of them All.

Mike Stone of outlines the sordid history of how Allopathic Drug Based Medicine got it’s start and how it tried to snuff out all other competitive forms of healing by defining the practice “Medicine.”

An excerpt:

“Abraham Flexner was a well-connected yet unqualified individual who was placed into a powerful position to do the bidding of the robber barons of the time, Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller.

“His report vilified and did away with many alternative schools that practiced chiropractic, naturopathy, homeopathy, holistic and herbal medicine.

“It allowed for the takeover of the modern medical system by those who were looking to peddle their petrochemical poisons that were created by the refinement of oils in order to sell them back onto the gullible public as “cures” for their ails.

“Flexner’s report created a culture that paved the way for the patenting and monetization of pharmaceuticals, allowing his bosses to profit handsomely from his work.

“This allowed for the practitioners of the allopathic model, consisting of the real snake oil-like practices of bloodletting, invasive surgery, and the injection of toxic heavy metals, to re-frame themselves as “real medicine” in order to roll over the competition that mainly utilized natural ingredients that were now considered quackery.”

Read More HERE how Rockefeller was central to creating – and corrupting – Western Medicine – and how his followers have continued to this day.


1:06 pm on November 5, 2023

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