Ready To Do More than Shout, “Let’s Go, Brandon!”?

If so, the next weeks offer plenty of opportunities: protests against The Usurper’s illegal “mandates” are popping up all over!

First is the “Real, Not Rare Rally” in Mordor. The sponsors explain,

Real lives affected [by the Jab], with “Not so rare” consequences! Vaccine Injuries deserve healthcare!

Ahem. We are not dealing with full-fledged anarchists here.

Where there is risk, there should be choice!

Although many do great with the vaccine, there is a chance for an adverse reaction. We believe where there is risk, there should be choice.  Many are losing employment over these mandates, and we can not afford unemployment numbers to keep rising. We need to strengthen our economy; not lose our workforce.

This is not red vs. blue. This is not us vs. them. This is humanity vs. disease.

Actually, it’s humanity vs. the political class. See my comment before about the lack of anarchists. Or even minarchists, for pity’s sake.

Where and when?

Nov 02, 2:30 PM EDT Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First St NE, Washington, DC 20543, US.

But there’s a dealbreaker, as far as I’m concerned:

Please wear a facemask and write “Real, Not Rare” on it if possible. We will also have extra … facemasks to hand out to anyone who wants one.

Doesn’t that defeat the whole point?

Next, the Children’s Health Defense promotes a “Worldwide Walk Out” to “demand a return to freedom and democratic principles.

Could we return to just freedom and forget democracy? The latter pretty much took us to this sorry pass.

Citizens around the globe are protesting loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach. Every man, woman and child is important to this movement!”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD Board Chair and Lead Counsel:

“No government in history has ever surrendered power in the absence of a demand. We need to tell these governments and their friends in the technocracy, the Silicon Valley billionaire boys club, the mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry that we will no longer tolerate their trampling of citizens’ rights.” …

Citizens around the world will be asked to unify for freedom and commit acts of civil disobedience to make their point. No masks, no vaccines, no testing. No coercion.

An email from CHD states that the

Kickoff is November 3rd! … Our vision is to see thousands of towns in America and around the world come to a standstill while doctors, nurses, educators, businessmen, first responders, police officers, firemen, travel engineers and more demand their freedom. We are millions. Let’s show ourselves and stand in solidarity against tyrannical mandates.

Third, a company called Raindrop Technologies is calling for a nationwide strike, Nov. 8-11 to “protest the mandates” and to “axe the vax.”

If you work in healthcare, education, telecom, supply chain or transport industries, government or in any sector—boycott all employers mandating the Vax.

They urge us, “Let’s hold the line! Join the four day no-show.” Given the audience here, you’ll find a bunch of legal disclaimers at the link—but also a surprising number of names you’ll recognize among supporters (America’s FrontLine Doctors, Lin Wood, Children’s Health Defense, etc.). Thanks to Monnie Matthews for alerting us to this event.

Finally, “United America Walkout”  asks that we


DEC. 1- DEC. 3



Unite & Take Back Our Rights & Liberties

We Must Unite As One Voice- One America!  Stand Up To Washington D.C & Say NO To The COVID Mandated Vaccines.  Millions of Americans Will Soon Be Out Of Work Because Of the Biden Administration.

Let’s go, Brandon!

It’s Time To Rise Up America and Be Heard! Unite & Regain our First Amendment Rights!

Help us peacefully send a loud and crystal clear message to our Government, social media, search engines, news outlets, and other bullies that have been removing our freedoms, rights, and liberties. Take Back OUR Country!


We realize that not everyone can march & peacefully protest in Washington D.C. from December 1-3, but everyone can play a small or large part in this movement.  All we ask is to do at least two of the bullets below.

Be an American and do your part.


  • Call in sick, take a last minute “vacation”, walkout a minimum of one day during the week of December 1-3
  • Support the movement by wearing shirts with logos, wear red/white/blue ribbons all week
  • Share on social media, email campaigns, family, friends, and colleagues while using the hashtag #UnitedAmericaWalkout.  Upload Your Cover Im
  • Create signs, posters, flyers, and proudly display them everywhere
  • Contribute money to the cause so we can market this further
  • Protest peacefully at your State capital or Washington D.C, the week of Dec. 1-3
  • Write your local representative, both Senators, The White House, CDC, EEOC, Civil Rights activists, Union Leaders, and other officials

Thanks to Kathleen for tipping me off to this effort.

So there you have it: choose your means of resistance. But resist, resist, resist!


8:15 pm on October 29, 2021