Piss on the TSA

After 11 years of covering the TSA, I should be immune to news of its atrocities. But I’m not. The profound trauma it inflicts on passengers, especially the weakest, sickest, and most vulnerable, indicts the Amerikan Empire as Satanically brutal and barbaric.

The latest horror to hit the headlines is the Gestapo’s—sorry, TSA’s forcing a 90 year-old-woman to strip to the waist; you can read my condemnation of this obscenity here. While researching the story, I came across another that I’d somehow missed when it appeared last year. No matter: the unspeakable humiliation to which these perverts subjected a gentleman struggling with prostate-cancer’s incontinence remains a fresh witness to their utter evil:

After he emerged from the scanner the TSA officer (a female) asked if he was carrying liquids in his clothing,” [his wife blogged at CafeMom.com. I did not find the original article, but thanks to RT, we can still access the story. RT has italicized the words that appeared at CafeMom.com while putting its own comments in roman type]. “He explained his condition and what had happened. In the past, it was embarrassing enough for him to just tell a TSA employee that [he] was wearing an adult incontinence garment but now he was also announcing that he had wet himself.)

“She [the TSA’s thuggette; that’s my wording, not RT’s] called over to another (male) officer (the boss, I guess) and explained the situation to him out loud in front of everyone else still going through the line.” The problem was he did not understand what an “incontinence product” was when she told him. 

Why am I not surprised? Yep, the TSA recruits only the best and the brightest.

Myself, [the husband], and the female TSA employee tried explaining a few times before the woman finally just shouted ‘ HE IS WEARING A DIAPER’ which caused pretty much everyone to turn and stare at us (smaller airport so not that many people).” 

At this point, the male TSA agent “snickered” and told the couple that the husband would need to be inspected more thoroughly. The man was reportedly subjected to a pat-down and told to drop his pants when they noticed “suspicious padding” around his waist. 

“After finally seeing the diaper, one of the officers said that he would need to ‘change out of it’ to ‘clear the issue,’” the wife wrote. “He got his spare brief out of my carry-on, a female officer came up and gave him a large Ziploc bag and they left the room while he changed. She returned, collected the bag with the wet brief and went off for about 5 minutes.”

Although the couple was soon cleared and most of the TSA officers were apologetic about the inspection, the wife called the incident “quite possibly one of the most embarrassing times” in their life, noting her husband cried afterwards.

Imagine the crushing mortification and his wife’s despair that she could neither stop this abuse nor protect her husband from it. Then ask yourself how depraved the TSA’s wretches must be to torment a dying man so mercilessly, especially under such a pathetic guise as “national security.”


2:58 pm on October 30, 2015