Parson Goat Pens An Op-Ed


What would Jesus do right now? He would wear a face mask.

So begins an exercise in blasphemy as well as twisting of the facts and the Word of God by a consortium of Parsons Goat and secular collaborators. 

Jesus would wear a mask

And never mind that doing so pays homage to the occult.

because wearing a mask is an act of love. 

No. Telling the truth is an act of love. Lying to advance a political agenda is tyrannical, fraudulent, and aggressive. 

God sees how you wear a mask to protect not only your family, but other families too. God sees how you feel the hot sticky condensation on your face and endure it so that others may survive this pandemic.

I think I’m gonna barf. 

When you wear a mask, you are protecting not only the elderly, but children, immuno-compromised people, those with serious preexisting conditions, 

Really? Show me ONE STUDY—one factual, scientific study rather than a poll or opinions gussied up to look like research—that supports this claim.

and you are looking out for the “least of these.” You aren’t just “talking the talk” of Christian love; you are expressing it in a real way and loving your neighbor as Jesus commanded.

Yo: I’m your neighbor, and you can best show your love by leaving me alone rather than manipulating me. 

You cannot see the germs floating through the air, and you cannot see the effects of your actions, but, nonetheless, they are there. 

Wow: second time I want to barf in as many paragraphs…

Being a Christian throughout history has meant enduring hard times. 

OK, I really AM gonna be sick. Excuse me.

It has meant hiding, living through persecution, and spreading the good news to keep the message alive.

Are these nincompoops actually comparing masks to burning at the stake? Good gracious! And they wonder why we resist wearing them!

Being a Christian means loving your neighbors unconditionally. It’s time to put your money where your mouth is and literally cover it up with a piece of cloth. 

Oh, isn’t that just too cloyingly cute?

There is a monumental amount of love and a statement of faith in a tiny piece of cloth.

Uh-oh: another wave of nausea. 

The most frequently used argument against face masks has been that it might not make enough of a difference.

If even one accurate statement leavens this propaganda, I’ll eat my hat. The most frequently used argument is that the “mandates” are illegal, unenforceable, and totalitarian. 

Are you willing to bet someone’s life on that? Your own? 

More than willing.

As Christians, if there is any possible way to slow the spread and protect others, we should take it. 

As Christians, if there is any possible way to slow the spread of Marxism and falsehoods while protecting others from both, we should take it. 

A mask is a temporary inconvenience

Ahem: not so temporary. We’re going on, what, five months of this nonsense now?

that could possibly save countless lives in the long run, and that is love. What if wearing a mask is the least you can do to save lives?

What if wearing a mask destroys our country? Isn’t refusing to wear one the least you can do to save it?

If you knowingly spread the virus and killed someone by not wearing a mask, would you regret it? 

Oh, the burdens and worries of the hopelessly imbecilic!

These are real questions one should ask themselves in the time of COVID-19. 

They’re “real questions” the way COVID-19 is a real pandemic—so real you have to be tested to know whether you’re sick.

This is not a drill. Your actions will directly impact people’s lives. Will you show love?

Not as you define it, Bozo. But I will show courage, integrity, and an utter passion for freedom. As well as unerring aim when the revolution comes.


10:08 pm on July 22, 2020