Organized Religions and Political Preferences

Concerning socialists who favor family breakdown, an e-mail came in that pointed a finger at religious institutions: “I blame much of family breakdown on mainline churches (501c3 gov. controlled) for being liberal apostates turning churches into social clubs with no substance and shallow preaching, tolerating divorce, unwed mothers and anything goes lifestyle.”

Where do various churches stand on the Democrat-Republican axis? See this source for data on that question. The graph is easy to read. For example, Episcopal has Democrat = 49% and Republican = 39%, a 10 point leftist excess. The political preferences of all sorts of religions and also agnostics and atheists are easy to find.

For me there are surprises in the survey’s findings. Agnostics are 64% Democrat and 21% Republican. Atheists are even more Democrat, 69%, to only 15% Republican. Muslims are 62% Democrat and 17% Republican.

Episcopal is selected here as an example because it’s in today’s news. The Washington National Cathedral is Episcopal, and its leaders issued an anti-Trump statement today. I won’t quote it. But what comes across from their statement is their reluctance to acknowledge what may be unpleasant truths or discuss them when they think they are not true.

According to them, if you have achieved the status of being a “civil rights leader”, or called one, or someone who has “fought” for civil rights, you become exempt from criticism. People are either holy angels or devils. If the truth is told about Baltimore or some other wretched city or part of a city, you are said to be condemning, not its leadership, not its government, not graft, not bad policies, but all of its residents. And if you criticize a foreign government whose lands have been sources of immigrants to America, you are said to be savaging these nations. Trump’s criticisms of others are advertised as pure malice or racism, having no other aim than hate.

Have these leaders tried to communicate with Trump? Have they made an honest attempt to understand his views and actions? They do not say that they have, even though they live in the same town.


2:37 pm on July 31, 2019