More Fake News, This Time On Venezuela

A correspondent’s wife is originally from Venezuela. She happened to be visiting family there when the scamdemic struck, and it effectively imprisoned her by shutting down the border and cancelling flights. Her husband writes: 

…it makes my blood boil when I read and hear opinions … that Maduro and the Chavistas are the “popular and legitimate” government of Venezuela. Nothing could be further from the truth! Talk to anyone on the street in Venezuela today –and I have spoken to many, family and family friends– and they will tell you right away that they want the current government GONE, yesterday. In fact, my wife says that conditions are so horrible that a “silent majority” of Venezuelans is literally begging the U.S. military to invade and topple Maduro. Any Latin American people begging for an invasion by El Norte would have been preposterously unthinkable even a year or so ago, so it’s a testament to just how grotesquely awful things are that the USA is seen as a potential savior. While I certainly cannot in good conscience advocate an American military intervention in Venezuela (it will never happen anyway), no matter how obvious my selfish motivations should be for wanting one, it still disturbs me to see some people conflate America’s very real imperialist and interventionist evils, past and present, with the notion that the “victim” nations of this imperialism are governed by “poor, innocent good guys standing up to the American bully.” In Venezuela’s case vis a vis the U.S., it’s two murderous bullies duking it out with rhetoric. Venezuela is in the state it’s in today because it’s the perfect example of where disarming the citizenry inevitably leads. I pray that current events here don’t lead to that same outcome!

So do I. I also pray for this couple, that the Lord will reunite what politicians and bureaucrats have put asunder.


8:30 am on June 22, 2020