Karl Rove on the ‘Ron Paul-ites’

Question: What do you think of the Tea Party movement?
Raymond La, STUART, FLA.

Rove: The Tea Party movement is interesting because it is grassroots and highly decentralized. They’re people who have heretofore been spectators, not participants. You’ve got the libertarian Ron Paul-ites trying to grab control. And you’ve got the ne’er-do-wells who couldn’t get elected in Precinct 354 [saying], By God, this is my chance to be somebody. But the vast majority of these people have not been involved in American politics, and that’s a healthy thing.

Thanks to Justin Raimondo for this great peek into Rove’s worldview, that you only become a significant person through involvement in the government game of power politics. I suppose that Al Capone felt the same about La Cosa Nostra. Not, btw, that I am comparing Rove to Capone. Capone supplied customers with beer and liquor despite government Prohibition. Oh, and Karl: the libertarian Ron Paulians are taking intellectual control. And there are more of us than there are parasites.


10:54 am on April 30, 2010