John Glenn (1921-2016): A Life In Service to the State

(image: public domain)
Summary (if this is mostly accurate):
1941 Army
1942 Navy
1943 Marines
1948 NAS flight instructor
1954 Navy test pilot school (graduated)
1959 NASA
1962 – July, testified before the House Space Committee in favor of excluding women from the NASA astronaut program. Interesting how this was left out of all the establishment eulogies yesterday.
1964 – Jan. 16, resigns NASA to announce candidacy for U.S. Senate (later withdraws after hitting his head on a bathtub)
1975-1999 U.S. Senate (D, OH)

For some time, between his first Senate run in 1964 and his Senate election in 1974, he served in an “executive” capacity at RC Cola but it looks like it was mostly PR. He didn’t know much if anything about business and never finished his engineering bachelor, which was given to him anyway in 1962 as a reward for his famous Mercury flight. Even Glenn himself didn’t seem to play up his RC Cola “experience” during his 1974 campaign against Howard Metzenbaum.

Interesting how as a liberal Democrat, conservatives admire him. Why, a Democrat that even they could vote for. Why? He made their two cherished Big Government branches, the military-industrial complex and NASA, appear competent and effective.


3:05 pm on December 9, 2016