It’s Not about Trump Derangement Syndrome

The explosion of hateful hysteria, outrageous lies, fake news, and violence against conservatives from the American Left is about “fundamentally transforming America,” as Obama announced at the beginning of his presidency.  Transforming America into a totalitarian socialist dictatorship of Democrats, that is.  Trump stands in the way, as they see it, so he and all of his 65 million + voters must be shamed, denounced, and victimized by violence if necessary.  The Left is defined by its belief that the ends always justifies the means, so it will do all it can to destroy what’s left of constitutional liberty in America for the sake of power.   As Ludwig von Mises wrote in Nation, State, and Economy, the Marxists of his day (early 20th century) disavowed democracy because it did not produce the Marxist utopia that was their goal.  The Bolsheviks of our day (Democrat Party, most of the media and academe) are no different.


9:06 am on May 2, 2019