Is “Editing” Dishonest?

Perhaps the weakest defense made by supporters of Planned Parenthood in response to videos of a PP official allegedly discussing the auctioning of the organs of unborn children, is that the videos were “edited.” So what? The films of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Nazi concentration camps, and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – among others – were also “edited.” Does that mean they were inaccurate and untruthful representations of reality? Did they portray something that did not exist? Were they fictional accounts of non-events?

Do the reporters who work for newspapers or television news stations/channels, have their stories immediately made public, or are they subjected to the work of “editors” who decide which reports, and in what detail, and where presented, will get published (i.e., “made public”)? Does this mean that news stories found in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, CNN, and other outlets, are – by virtue of having been “edited” – untrue and should be rejected? The question that should be asked regarding the allegations against PP is whether there is evidence to support the charges. That PP defenders prefer to divert attention to non-empirical inquiries only adds to the suspicion that the allegations are true.


11:19 am on October 4, 2015