Interference with Transportation, Big Time

Do you know what a “vacuum device used to compress luggage” looks like? Neither do I. And for sure the losers at the TSA don’t, either.  

So when nine “cast and crew members of an upcoming CNBC reality show called ‘Staten Island Hustle'” tried to take said device through one of the TSA’s anti-Constitutional checkpoints, the agency’s perverts threw their usual imbecilic and hysterical fit. Then “officials” whistled to their lapdogs in the media, who breathlessly reported—and I used the term loosely—the TSA’s lies without even the most rudimentary fact-checking:  

According to officials the TV crew tried to pass a fake bomb through airport security … Other members of the crew were secretly videotaping the encounter, according to the Transportation Security Administration. 

But TSA crews did notice what was in the luggage and nine members of the TV crew were arrested. … 

The TSA says that the carry-on bag contained the makings for an improvised explosive device, including a motor, wires and PVC pipes. 

Except that “a motor, wires and PVC pipes” can add up to many things that aren’t even close to explosive, in this case a “vacuum device used to compress luggage.” 

No matter: the TSA ruined nine lives because its morons are too stupid to understand such simple concepts as gestures, let alone advanced technology. “Tom Carter, TSA’s federal security director for New Jersey,” huffed, “This type of stunt is reckless, dangerous, uninformed and totally insensitive to the reality of the terror threat we face…”

Yeah? I bet you absolutely despise the FBI, then, right, Tom?

But I interrupted His Huffiness’ ignorant ire. “There is simply no excuse for trying to do something like this knowing it had the great potential to cause panic with the intention of turning that panic into a reality show.” Tom, do yourself a favor and yank your head out of your butt.

Our Rulers charged these innocent travelers with “causing a false public alarm, interference with transportation and conspiracy. They face up to $13,000 in fines for each charge.” No wonder their production company abjectly apologized (“Unfortunately, there appears to have been a misunderstanding, and we regret any inconvenience to TSA and other authorities on the ground for complications that may have been caused …”), though none of its employees had done anything other than try to travel with innocuous equipment.  

Meanwhile, if “causing a false public alarm” and “interference with transportation” are crimes, I eagerly, blissfully await the trial and endless incarceration of every piece of slime sponging off our taxes at the TSA. 


2:03 pm on January 25, 2018