I Like Ben Shapiro

The Richie Rich of the neocons doesn’t try to hide his totalitarian views. Here he calls for sedition trials of war opponents. Perhaps the young comrade can be a prosecutor-judge in the People’s Court.

I especially like his last line: “No war can be won when members of a disloyal opposition are given free reign to undermine it.” He means “free rein,” but the point is well-taken.

War is a scam whose foundation is lies. That is why dissenters are so dangerous.

Another reason there must be no free speech: when any government goes to war, among the first victims are its own people, who are further looted and otherwise coerced. Only government and the merchants of death benefit from war, but no one must be allowed to say that. (Thanks to Curtis Thomas for the link.)


10:22 am on February 15, 2006