How To Help LRC Through Your Amazon Purchases

Two readers have asked me recently how they can make sure that LRC gets sales credit for the products they buy at Amazon. It’s easy to do, and there is no out of pocket cost to you.  Here are the rules:

1. Always start your shopping by clicking on the Amazon front page ad, or any widget you see in the articles or blogs.

2. Complete your shopping and check-out before you navigate away from Amazon.  Items left in your cart or saved for later will not be credited to LRC.

3. Don’t change an item’s quantity after it is in your cart. That will negate LRCs sales credit. Take a moment to delete the item and start over.

4. If you have an old URL saved for a product you purchase regularly, it’s best to discard it and go back to step one. Amazon often tinkers with its coding, and LRC’s sales credit vanishes.

5. While Amazon offers a small discount on some subscribe and save items, our frequent tests show that LRC only receives a commission on the initial order, not subsequent shipments.  In addition, these items can be shipped and delivered more slowly.

6.  To experience the very best of Amazon, consider becoming a Prime member. In addition to free 2-day shipping on most items, we now also get free streaming video of tens of thousands of movies and TV shows, plus access to a massive eLending Library. Amazon keeps adding benefits, but they do not raise the price — it’s $99 per year. Learn more here.

Thank you for your support of LRC through your Amazon purchases. It helps keep the warm, subversive incandescent lights on.


11:29 am on September 24, 2012