As we await the upcoming Chicago Democratic Coronation of Queen Kamala as a result of the palace coup d’état against the demented and deranged 2020 Usurper-In-Chief, Old Joe, we should take a moment and recall a previous episode in such duplicitous shenanigans.
Everyone should carefully study the 1940 GOP Presidential Convention and its “dark horse” nominee Wendell Willkie. The world was at war in Europe. The Republicans held an “open convention” in Philadelphia. There were two non-interventionist candidates, former president Herbert Hoover and Ohio Senator Robert Taft (Ron Paul’s mentor). Thomas Dewey of New York represented the Rockefeller forces, Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan (another prominent non-interventionist who was later “turned” by covert female British agents), several other lesser candidates, and Willkie (covertly chosen by Thomas W. Lamont of the House of Morgan, FDR, and by British Intelligence).
The story is laid out in full in Thomas E. Mahl’s brilliant book, Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44, in his chapter 8, “We Want Willkie.”
The late, great Justin Raimondo reviews the book here: The British Were Coming!, by Justin Raimondo, CHRONICLES – The Unz Review
and Justus Doenecke here: Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939–1944: The Independent Review: The Independent Institute
William Jasper concisely discusses the backstory of the Willkie nomination here.
Was Taft supporter Ralph E. Williams, who headed the committee on arrangements, murdered, allowing Sam Pryor of the Willkie forces to secretly get control of the convention through its credentials process? Pryor latter sabotaged Herbert Hoover’s impassioned anti-FDR, non-interventionist speech to the convention delegates by deliberately installing a defective microphone which distorted and drowned out his address. He also issued fake duplicate tickets to the gallery to pack them with hired Willkie supporters.
Read the Mahl book, one of the most important (and revealing) I have ever read.
9:29 am on August 9, 2024