What Is Hillary Clinton Hiding in Her E-mails, Deleted, Undeleted, Attempted Deleted, Bleached and Unbleached?

What is Hillary Clinton hiding in her e-mails: Deleted, undeleted, attempted deleted, bleached and unbleached?

Here’s a checklist of general possibilities.

Her role and knowledge concerning Benghazi.
Her role and knowledge concerning arms shipments to Syria from Libya.
Her health condition.
Her access to debate questions before the debate.
Her access to electronic devices during the debates.
Her role and knowledge in sabotaging the Sanders campaign.
Her role and knowledge in handling the Democratic convention.
Her role and knowledge in attacks upon Trump, including linking him to Russia.
Her dealings with donors to the Clinton Foundation.
Her attempts to derail the FBI investigation and charges, including her husband meeting with the Attorney General.
Her actual state of knowledge and attitude about using a personal server.
Anything that would contradict her sworn testimony.
Her relationship with Huma Abedin and the latter’s husband, both personal and official.
The methods by which Bill Clinton and she benefited monetarily and personally while she was Secretary of State, especially through the Clinton Foundation.
Her involvement in having e-mails deleted and bleached.
Anything that might reveal her level of incompetence.
Anything that might reveal the negatives of her personality.
Her methods and involvement in soliciting political contributions.


5:39 pm on October 31, 2016