Help Support Our Troops?


From recovering Republican John Lofton:

IN FRONT OF store I visit daily this exchange occurred:

Soldier (offering small flag to me): “Would you like to support our troops?”

Me (calmly): “No, sir, I would not.”

Soldier: “Why not?”

Me: “Because our military is waging unGodly, unConstitutional wars all over the world, murdering/maiming innocent people, and doing the same thing to those fighting these wars.”

Soldier (looking as if he might agree): “But that is the government.”

Me: “No, sir. That is YOU. It’s a voluntary military. And you could refuse to engage in these various evil activities.”

Soldier: He simply stares blankly at me.

Me (gesturing toward small Bibles with camouflage covers they are selling): “And no Christian can serve in today’s military.”

I walk into the store.


4:16 pm on December 14, 2012