Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Fate of Free Speech

Former leftist professor Michael Rectenwald discusses with Glenn Beck his previous academic career and the substantial transformative ideological change he has undergone due to his confrontation with SJW thugs and totalitarians. Rectenwald teaches at New York University.

At one point in the interview he points out that communism cannot work with the absence of a market, without a market pricing system, something that Ludwig von Mises (who had previously taught at NYU for decades) pointed out in his seminal 1920 article, Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth. This is the classic essay that overthrew the socialist paradigm in economics, and provided the foundation for modern Austrian price theory. When it first appeared ninety-nine years ago, Mises was alone in challenging the socialists to explain how their pricing system would actually work in practice. Mises proved that socialism could not work because it could not distinguish more or less valuable uses of social resources, and predicted the system would end in chaos. The result of his proof was the two-decade-long “socialist calculation”debate.

Rectenwald has a very interesting forthcoming book, Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Fate of Free Speech, available at Amazon for pre-order.

Click the above link and read the description of this book. Rectenwald, previously published Springtime for Snowflakes: ‘Social Justice’ and Its Postmodern Parentage.



5:38 pm on July 6, 2019