George Soros: Socialist, Internationalist, Political Activist

Soros is a socialist. Daniel Bessner says Soros is “committed to progressive ideals”. Soros says of socialist Elizabeth Warren “…I do believe she’s the most qualified to be president.” Bessner writes accurately that Soros is “committed to pushing the world in a cosmopolitan direction in which racism, income inequality, American empire, and the alienations of contemporary capitalism would be things of the past. He is extremely perceptive about the limits of markets…”

“Cosmopolitan” means global, international, universal. This means unitary worldwide. It means anti-national and thus anti-American. It translates into world government, world laws, world rules, world taxes and a world military. Not right away, but eventually.

“Racism” as a thing of the past does not mean simply seeing an end to prejudice and legal discrimination. It does not mean the alleviation of racial issues through natural free market means. In today’s world, ending racism is code for advocating forced integration, open borders, open migration, and open immigration. Socialists harp upon non-existent “institutional racism” as an excuse for a socialism that employs preferential government policies based upon race.

“Income inequality” as a thing of the past is an impossible socialist ideal that’s highly destructive when attempted.

“American empire” as a thing of the past does not mean simply a libertarian-inspired reduction in government interference overseas. It means for Soros international government.

Bessner found fault with Soros in some respects, leading Soros to reply. His reply sheds light on his beliefs. Soros wrote

“…I have been a passionate critic of market fundamentalism at least since I first discussed the phenomenon in my essay The Capitalist Threat in the Atlantic Monthly 20 years ago.”

Soros does not promote free markets or laissez-faire capitalism in his essay, a long and confused essay that requires a separate blog. Suffice it to say that Soros does not truly understand the meaning and implications of freedom on an individual level. Otherwise he wouldn’t write an essay about a capitalist threat.

Soros criticizes standard perfect market economics as part of the basis for his social views. That is, however, a straw man and a wrong target. If Soros had understood Austrian economics, he would have honed in on the role of the Federal Reserve, unsound money, and perverse government policies in bringing about the financial debacle of 2008. But he gave no signs of coming to grips with the source of over-leveraging, moral hazard and novel financial instruments.

Soros has ignored the writings of von Mises, Rothbard, Hoppe, and many others who have explained economics and society. See this book review.

“In his latest book, Open Society, retired billionaire speculator George Soros continues to argue against capitalism and its justification in economic theory. The book doesn’t put a dent in capitalism, but shows that billionaire financiers don’t necessarily understand the first thing about economic systems.

“Soros believes that central banks regularly save developed countries from depressions, and that a similar institution is required at the world level.

“He defines the muddled concept of ‘open society’ as a one where there is no monopoly on truth, but he wants state coercion to impose his own ideas, ‘social justice’ included.”

Soros advocates something whose particulars require definition that he does not supply. This is the “open society”. Soros claims that

“…in an open society it is not enough to be a democrat; one must be a liberal democrat or a social democrat or a Christian democrat or some other kind of democrat.”

For Soros, whatever the open society is supposed to be, it requires politics that embrace socialism. He says so — in the open.

One key to understanding the political activism of Soros, which is done through his financial support of various organizations and movements, is that he’s a socialist.


3:13 pm on November 27, 2019