Why Doesn’t SNL Ridicule Barack Obama?

I was listening the NPR (National Pinko Radio – I’m a masochist; I just want to be acquainted with the “thinking” of our friends on the left) this morning, and they were discussion the SNL (Saturday Night Liberal) television show. It turns out that this broadcast reaches a pinnacle of listeners every four years, during the political campaigns. Recently, I learned, they have been bashing Donald Trump very heavily, and Hilary Clinton very lightly, if at all. Chevy Chase did a series of numbers on Gerald Ford in similar manner. Ronald Reagan was also nastily targeted. The issue came up, why didn’t SNL also use Barack Obama as the butt of their jokes? The explanation from the “experts” brought in to this NPR show was that he was too “cool” to spoof, he had no characteristics that humorists could poke fun at, he was too wonderful to parody, etc. I wonder, can anyone think of any other reasons Obama was never dragged through the mud like other politicians? I can’t think of any. This sounds like God’s truth to me. But, enquiring minds want to know.


2:12 pm on October 28, 2016