The Deep State Takes Care of Its Own

Reading Will Griggs’ powerful article, Merrick Garland, Richard W. Roberts, and the Kenneth Trentadue Murder: The Deep State Takes Care of Its Own, I am reminded of Michael Glennon’s perceptive book, National Security and Double Government, an exercise in Deep State Studies by a Washington policymaker on the dual nature of the American government.

It is one of the most disturbing and disconcerting I have ever read.

He posits that there is the “Madisonian” public government of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches found outlined in the Constitution, operating under the rule of law, with their separation of powers, checks and balances, and openness and transparency. This is contrasted with the extra constitutional “Trumanite” clandestine deep state, established by the National Security Act of 1947 during the Truman regime.

On every page he uncovers virtually unknown material in intricate detail and in such depth as I have never encountered before. The section in the book concerning the federal judiciary absolutely blew me away. In particular how he detailed the “Trumanite” background of Supreme Court appointees and how they were vetted for their deferential views on “national security” while the establishment media presstitutes focused upon diversionary “hot button” issues such as abortion, womens’ and gay “rights,” gun control, etc. I believe it to be the most powerful section in the book.


11:44 pm on March 23, 2016