Community Standards and Safety

Writes the Rev. Larry Beane:

Community Standards and Safety are the new buzzwords of tyranny.  Well, not so new.  During France’s Reign of Terror, the Jacobins referred to their efforts to crush free speech as “safety.”  And of course their ideological offspring of a century later, the Bolsheviks, embraced the term “communist.”

The People of the Guillotine redefined safety as public hysteria and blood in the streets, and the People of the Gulag actually destroyed community by destroying family and fostering fear and repression.

The latest incarnation of this same libido dominandi is Facebook.

Like all tyrannical political movements, this one does not yet have the power to send dissenters to camps or chop off their heads.  But it does have the ability to stifle the free exchange of ideas, and they have defined “safety” and “community standards” to be any political or economic expression of which they disapprove.

I’m currently serving a 30 day “facebook jail” sentence for a private message to a small group of friends in a secret group for using the term “white trash” to describe a physical tussle that I observed in a Walmart.  It seems that this is “hate speech” – at least when I use the term.  Others seem to have immunity and impunity.  Since I am one of the moderators of the group, I was able to see that nobody in the group registered a complaint.  Our private group is being monitored by either humans or bots to make sure we behave ourselves and don’t say things like “white trash” – or say things like climate change is a hoax; or there are only two human genders; or that marriage is between one man and one woman; or that abortion is murder; or that guns save lives; or that Communism and Nazism are two shades of Socialism; or that Antifa is a domestic terrorist group; or to criticize Islamic terrorists, Democratic political candidates, and drag queen reading hour for children; or for expressing dissent against a disturbing little Northern European girl in pigtails being used by eco-fascists as their symbol (just like their Nazi forbears who likewise sought to control free speech and a free economy by means of hysteria and unscientific political propaganda).

I set up an alternate Facebook account and have continued to express my opinions – and now that account has just had a post removed for violating the “Community Standards” that are there to keep us all “Safe.”

The notification is for a picture of the latest artificial corporate phenomenon, the “activist” Greta Tunberg, a 16-year old “expert” in climate change who spent two weeks on a luxury solar powered yacht to come to the United States to scold us and teach us that we don’t need airplanes.  Other people had to be flown across the Atlantic to retrieve the vessel, but that’s okay, important people are exempt from their own rules – just as they were in Revolutionary France and Russia.  Revolutionaries often become the very aristos whose heads they chopped off, living lives of luxury and flaunting a “let them eat cake” attitude.”  Plus ça change…

Here is the unsafe picture that violates community values:

And here is the announcement by the Committee for Public Safety:

Meanwhile, it goes without saying what kinds of expressions of violence, sexuality, hatred for traditionalism, capitalism, and Christianity are all permitted, along with vulgarity and profanity.  Free speech against Republicans, libertarians, Christians, and capitalists are all considered “safe” and within the boundaries of “community standards.”  What upsets our Lords and Masters in Silicon Valley is cultural rebellion.  We are expected to fall in line and think like they do.  And at very least if we don’t, we are to keep our religion, our values, our economics, and our politics to ourselves.

It has gotten so bad that an openly satirical site like the Babylon Bee is now being tagged as “fake news” – a precursor to deplatforming.

This is the time when we need to push back.  The right to protest and freely express political opinions, to dissent, to mock, and to publish are the only defense of a free people against the guillotine and gulag.

Our youthful new generation of the enforcers of “safety” would do well to heed the wise words of one of the French Revolution’s opponents, Jacques Mallet du Pan: “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants.”  This is borne out by the fate of Robespierre and many of the Russian Communist leaders.

Our millennial soylords are woefully ignorant of history.  They will continue to repeat it.  But let them pay the price for it, not us, our posterity, our civilization, or our liberties.


3:24 pm on September 2, 2019