Clapper Condemns Trump

Trump gave a speech in Phoenix last Tuesday, which in its entirety is here. Thereafter, James Clapper, now working for CNN as national security analyst, condemned Trump. His complete remarks are here. The interviewer, Don Lemon, shared Clapper’s view.

Echoing Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” remark, Clapper even questioned the people who attended the rally, saying that he couldn’t understand their attitudes.

I read Trump’s complete speech, and there is not a single word in it, not one word, that supports Clapper (or Lemon) in concluding that Trump is unfit for office or a threat to national security or that there is an ongoing crisis as long as he holds office. Their remarks show that their negative attitudes toward him have completely hardened.

This little episode illustrates the extraordinarily high level of antagonism toward Trump exhibited by members of the many-sided coalition that opposes Trump. His opposition, still fed by major media such as CNN and The Washington Post, now seizes upon almost anything and everything he does or says in order to revile and castigate him.


12:57 pm on August 27, 2017