Churches as Polling Places

I have blogged before about this. I noticed it again this morning at a church near my house. How strange that a conservative church that bashes liberals and encourages people to vote for Republicans allows people to come on their property and cast their vote for liberal Democrats who are pro-abortion. And just think what happened in 2012–liberals came to the church and cast their vote for the man whom many in the church consider to be satanic: Obama. If you say that if the church was not a polling place then it makes no difference since the people would just vote at another polling place then you are not thinking. Would the church allow a hooker to have a client on the church property if the act was going to be done anyway? Politicians are whores–they do favors for money. How else can you describe them? Churches should not allow sin to take place on church property if they can help it. Don’t these churches believe that voting for Democrats is a sin?


8:11 am on November 4, 2014