Chairman Paul?

Ron Paul won easy reelection in the 14th district of Texas with almost 77% of the vote. (His opponent, a police chief, had signs that said, “Tell Dr. No he has to go.” No one took up my suggestion for opposing signs: “Send the cop to the donut shop.”

If the Republicans weren’t dishonest, and entirely in the pocket of the big banks, Ron Paul would be taking Barney Frank’s place as chairman of the finance committee. Not satisfied with blocking him there, they have even kept him out of the chairmanship of the monetary policy subcommittee, as Barney has frequently remarked. The first time the Republicans erased Ron’s seniority; the second time, they imported a congressman from another committee to take the job; the third time, they temporarily abolished the subcommittee. This time, I think they would fear the backlash, so Ron will probably be chairman. If so, I can’t wait for his hearings on the QE2, the gold, the business cycle, and much else.


7:13 pm on November 3, 2010