Bursting the Germ Theory Bubble

Back in the 1970s the story of Bubble Boy helped cement the paradigm that germs and microbes are “out to get us.

So much so, many of us who lived through that time have struggled to believe we don’t catch disease but instead – in factbuild disease over time.

That “paradigm training” was the foundation for many of our reasons to go along with the Covid Scamdemic.

From Dr. Sam Bailey:

In 2020 with the onset of The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity there were a series of psychological and physical assaults against populations around the world.

Perhaps one of the strangest COVID rituals was governments instructing people to live in a “bubble” – that is, severely limiting their contacts to a tiny number of others – And of course, not touching each other.

Most of the public went along with these civil rights restrictions due to their erroneous belief in the notion of contagion.   

Although the “bubble” concept appeared new, the word was already embedded in germ theory folklore and its origins can be traced back to 1971, the year in which David Vetter was born.

Claimed to be without an adequate “immune system” he became famous around the world as the “Bubble Boy”.

While David was one boy, the impact his story had in stoking this propaganda cannot be underestimated.

In this video we investigate David Vetter’s life, the scientific claims involving so-called ‘severe combined immunodeficiency’ as well as what really killed him.


I want to call your attention to two slides from Dr Sam’s presentation:

Please note this last comment:

“…Bacteria is absolutely essential to their lives

What’s great about this particular video is it lays a solid foundation for someone to understand our proper relationship with microbes and bacteria – We need them to be alive.

Understanding this relationship – and how to manage it – leads to better health and less fear.

Please watch this video HERE.

Highly recommended


12:56 pm on October 24, 2024