Biden vs. Trump

Elizabeth Warren has fallen to 3rd place. Buttigieg is 2nd and Biden is running 1st at 3-1 odds.

Biden is the current favorite to win the nomination. So far, he has withstood attacks on the basis of matters like Ukraine, segregation, and aging.

Remarks by both Obama and H. Clinton against radicalism helped push Warren down and Biden up, but she was falling already. Biden is still far left-wing on critical issues like climate.

Biden and Trump have targeted each other fiercely for several months, as if they were already the candidates. Attacks have been personal. Sooner or later they’ll get around to differences on issues.

Two big issues separating them are environment and energy, and these merge into the economy. Another is abortion. They differ on trade and foreign policy too. They differ on guns, immigration, unions, regulation, healthcare and education.

Biden has come out in favor of impeachment. He’ll be attacking Trump using the impeachment articles that the House will vote favorably on.

Vision is going to make a difference in the campaign. Trump has his MAGA vision and a record to run on. Biden has no vision yet. Anti-Trumpism may not suffice. A return to progressivism (socialism) in a mild and creeping form may not suffice.

Trump represents new approaches, energy, activity, freshness, brashness, change, and anti-swamp. To compete, Biden will be advised by his handlers to show vigor, strength and sharpness in his attacks; this in order to overcome the sleepy, mediocre, lukewarm imagery.


8:42 am on November 30, 2019