Bezos Gets The Bird

The Billionaire Blog, once known as the Washington Post, has been sent to the cheap seats by the Trump campaign.

For a year now, the Bezos-owned Daily has struggled to find new angles in its effort to preserve its influence – by October, it will be reduced to reporting such swill as “Lifeguards: Trump Means More Drowning Victims!”

Journalistic credibility is like virginity: once lost, it cannot be recovered — especially if it’s bought and paid for.

So what’s going on? Hillary needs the BB, and Trump doesn’t. And the BB needs Hillary, and will defend her like prostitutes defend their … er, managers.

The cold truth: If Trump wins, BB’s sources will go dark, coveted invitations will disappear, speaking fees will evaporate,  and cooing lapdog dances will turn into cold shoulders.

To paraphrase BB King: The Glitz is Gone.

And the irony is sweet: yes, the BB’s Bloviators will continue to “cover” the Trump campaign. But they’ll have to leave their cozy throne among the  Trump-haters in the media box and join the Trump-loving masses in the hall.

Hazardous duty pay will no doubt be in order.



7:24 am on June 14, 2016