Be Prepared for a Kamala Harris Win

1. Because ballots win elections, not votes.
2. Polls and betting markets in late July, while interesting, mean little.  After the start of the new school year and Labor Day, boobus Americanus starts paying more attention, especially to mainstream media which does his thinking for him.  In September and October expect to hear endlessly about Kamala the Prosecutor vs. The Convicted Felon.  This will be persuasive to boobus, including suburban women.
3. The permanent regime that loves Senile Joe is head over heels for Kamala, in part because anyone opposing its agenda can now be tarred as sexist as well as racist.
4. The first black woman vice president will simply not be denied the presidency, especially with the Leninist federal state so close to importing enough foreign-born voters/ballot markers to create a permanent Democratic majority that will finish the job of Californizing the rest of the country.

Who’s to blame for the rise of the cackling hyena?  Mr. “Art of the Deal.”  Instead of being suspicious about such an early first debate date and wisely insisting on waiting until after both party conventions were over before debating, Trump gave the devious Dems not only everything they asked for surrounding the first debate, but enough time to replace Joe (after he bombed the first debate, as expected) and wage a substantial campaign with Joe’s replacement before election day.  The Dems didn’t just outsmart the Greatest Negotiator to Ever Walk the Earth, they ran rings around him.  No way could they have as adequately rebooted (as they have now) in the middle of September.

Anything can happen on November 5th, but anyone betting the farm on a big Trump win now is either a Fox pundit or a fool.


4:05 pm on July 26, 2024