And If Neither This Nor the Form Work, Punch Him One

With regards to “If I agree to receive an EUA Covid-19 injecton, does my employee health insurance plan provide complete coverage should I experience an adverse event, or even death?”, Matt Laise advises, 

One other note of advice when dealing with employers forcing the jab is to inform them that adverse reactions from the vaccine is now an OSHA recordable event which would mean the employer’s comp insurance would most likely be on the hook if something went wrong.

Best way to get businesses to back down is to show them their pocket book is in play now.

OSHA Link:

When I asked Matt if he were a lawyer to be dispensing such counsel, he responded, “Sadly I am a mere software developer; well, I guess I have the same credentials as Bill Gates so there is that.”

And perhaps he also identifies as an attorney.


6:23 pm on May 22, 2021