Top MEP Warns Europe Risks Becoming “A Second Arabia or Africa”

Writes Brian Dunaway:

At CPAC Hungary, Austrian MEP Harald Vilimsky has warned that “Europe risks becoming ‘a second Arabia or Africa’ and that governments are importing migrants who create security problems then offering ‘solutions’ that only punish native populations.”

I couldn’t help but think of today’s post on LRC via PCR, The Death of Ireland and Replacement of the Irish People.

The Hungarian and Austrian People spent centuries at the frontier of Europe, repelling Mongols, repelling Moors, defending and allowing the preservation of Christian Europe for many, many generations. Who could have predicted that the Europe they once saved would scoff at their saviors (and Savior), invite their invaders, give them free benefits, and ignore their transgressions!

This is a culture who has made peace with suicide.

Is it possible that Austria and Hungary will save Europe once again, this time from themselves?

