Abolish “Prescription” Drugs

People are whining about Obamacare being abolished soon. “How will people get their prescription medicines?!” That’s easy enough to solve. Abolish prescription medicines. Yes, you heard me right. We need to abolish the system of prescriptions and sell these medicines over-the-counter where true market competition can take place. As it is now, what we know as a “prescription” is not really that. What it really is, is a “permit to buy/own medicine”. Mandated by, guess who? The government! And, in the case of certain meds, the DEA specifically.

Prescriptions were never meant to be medicine permits. They were originally just instructions to the pharmacist on how to compound the called-out for medicine (a “recipe”, if you will) or which one to sell you. It was not ever supposed to be a government permit to acquire a medicine. In turn, this has led to people being fleeced to about $200 a pop for an office visit of five minutes or less to obtain the Magic Permit To Buy Medicine. Doctors have cashed in on this government scam.

Does anyone realize that before the government got involved, you could go to the—duh—DRUG store and BUY medicines? Now, these were the “good old days” all the law-and-order types always harken us back to. Who’s getting rich here? The Medical-Industrial Complex. Plus, the government has another method by which to control people. “Well, we might have to get this prescription drug abuse epidemic under control by making those prescriptions harder to obtain. That way, you’ll have to use the new prescription drugs that replace them. The ones we got a nifty payoff to promote by claiming widespread abuse of the ones that went generic…”


12:30 pm on January 12, 2017