A Libertarian Analysis of Law | Walter Block

By Luis Rivera III
Libertarian theory and applied libertarian theory with Dr. Walter Block. Libertarianism is a normative science or a political philosophy. It’s the belief in the Non Aggression Axiom or Non Aggression Principle or N.A.P. as it’s commonly referred to. The N.A.P. plus property rights based off of homesteading is libertarianism. Walter Block is known for applying this theory on a myriad of situations. Block is also the author of the series Defending The Undefendable. He goes over the theory and applies it to different situations in this speech. Reputation is an interesting one, can you sue someone let’s say for libel under libertarian philosophy? Find out the answer to this question and others when Block characteristically tackles controversial and thought provoking problems:

A Libertarian Analysis of Law | Walter Block


11:33 pm on July 4, 2014