2 Card Electoral Monte

Some people fear that a bad president might cancel elections and rule by decree. Of course, presidents already rule by decree, i.e., executive order. But elections would never be cancelled. They are necessary for the democratic trick, in which people are led to think that one man rules the roost–rather than an oligarchy–and that they have a hand in picking him, even through it is always oligarchical choice 1 as versus the oligarchical choice 2. But because people inevitably tire of the creepy president, the oligarchy is always prepared to substitute a fresh face. Because people were sick of LBJ, we got Nixon. When people got sick of Nixon (and Nixon’s Ford), we got Carter, then Reagan, then Reagan’s Bush, then Clinton, then Bush2, then Obama. These switches of party, personality type, and apparent ideology are essential to the oligarchy’s sideshow victories.


4:08 pm on November 1, 2014