In 1964, Hollywood gave us a comedy about nuclear war. We obviously need more comedies like Dr. Strangelove to remind us how utterly insane humans can be.
The Biden administration aims to help in this regard.
The doddering old fool, a.k.a the most powerful man in the world, a.k.a dopey guy at the end of the second row in last week’s Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation class picture, is making America Great Again! He saw it on TV somewhere, and must have liked the sound of it.
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Ja Biden had his fingers crossed when he told Trump he would make sure there was a smooth transition in January, because all we heard afterwards was Jake and Tony telling the blob that every penny the rotten Washington system stole from fixing roads and educating “the children” would be sent ASAP to the dick-waving dictator in Kiev! Gotta spend that money before Trump gets here and ends the war in 24 hours!
Sending the last penny we can find to Ukraine ensures the war parties and government industries get the last little bit of what they were promised in that particular theater of graft. Capping that, Biden just “authorized” Little Z to launch US long-range missiles deep into Russia in a seriously non-serious attempt to “beat Russia.”
It is exactly this kind of national decision-making that undermines Democrat and neocon claims that Trump’s slate of appointees don’t have what it takes to run the government. The standard they have set is so incredibly low, so crummy, scummy, and stupid, it defies belief. A shelf full of pet rocks would do a better job than Biden’s team in its dotage. Does the Biden bureaucracy just hate Trump, or is this about hating several coming generations of Americans? Like the Zionists in Israel and Washington – does Kong-Biden intend to simply exterminate those who question the Empire’s right to pillage, steal and murder?
Starting WWIII with Russia and her allies because your poorly conceived plan to extract Ukrainian wealth for decades to come and take 12 Trillion in minerals is falling apart is not, and can never be, a good strategy for the American people.
Not even in the hazy, drug-addled fog that is the Biden Administration could such a plan be seen as good for America.
Yet, this is the plan that is being executed.
I am delighted to report that not a single soul in the Biden admin, or in the permanent bureaucracy is physically or mentally capable of doing what Major Kong did – fix the faulty wiring on the fly at 20,000 feet, only a minute from the target and then ride that missile into global oblivion. I can’t honestly say the same about some of Trump’s incoming appointees, so there is that.
The other big news over the weekend is how Norwegian fishermen caught the USS Virginia nuclear submarine in their nets.
If the Hallmark Channel has a division that features global thermo-nuclear war, the last decade has certainly provided some inspiration.
Jest aside, there is some news we still cannot talk about in America. We can talk about who killed JFK, whether or not the buildings in NYC were professionally demolished on 9-11, and we can even talk about space aliens. We can talk about Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. But we cannot yet talk about the mass murder, genocide, and physical destruction of Gaza that is – like the losing war in Ukraine, and so many losing wars before that – being paid for overwhelmingly by the US taxpayer.
For 13 months and counting, Israel’s own 9-11 has resulted in another American-funded war in the Middle East. Exactly like the American 9-11, their military was asleep at the wheel and “allowed” a “shocking attack” to occur, an event that was immediately lied about and utilized to get the people on board for a war that had long been in the works. Israelis cheered American’s 9-11, because the wars America would prosecute for the next 20 years aligned with Israel’s long-term regional goals. Zionists in many ways cheered October 7th as a pivot to the next US-backed and -funded war, this one leading to the direct and open expansion of Israel.
The true cynic would observe that once Iraq and Afghanistan fronts collapsed, the seamless transition of the same resources and cash to a Ukrainian front was made. By late 2022, it was clear to most realist observers that the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine was a failure, succeeding only in halving Ukraine’s population and permanently shaving off a quarter of its territory, while strengthening Russia politically and economically instead of isolating and shrinking it.
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A true cynic would also note that each of these wars were advertised as NATO wars, as the US and European bureaucrats cling to an outdated and useless organization. Yet NATO was constructed solely to serve the US military industrial establishment uber alles. A true cynic would note the ruthlessness of American neocons who have owned the foreign policy of the US for twenty years, crystalizing in a direct act of war against Russia as well as against former NATO powerhouse Germany with the US destruction of the Nordstream pipelines in the summer of 2022.
A true cynic would see very little humor in all of these blood- and treasure-wasting US wars, and US war games, as one must categorize what has been going on in Ukraine since 2014. Instead of just the normal destruction of land, air, human and animal life, freedom, economic productivity, rules of law and morality that a normal war brings, we have in Gaza a war that is a planned genocide, an orchestrated and bloody removal of a two million plus population in order to take over the ground and the coastline, the real estate and the gas.
A true cynic would note that this war in Gaza, and Lebanon, extending into Syria and Iran, was planned, and launched, just as American public opinion began to turn away from Ukraine. In fact, Donald Trump was elected overwhelmingly, precisely because he was going to “end the war in Ukraine.” Was the Greater Israel project, fueled, primed, and promoted by the US, going to be the seamless “next war” in the US project of continuous wars of the 21st century? A true cynic would ask, “Well, is it?”
Amid promises of a future war with China – a war that may come as a surprise to Walmart and Amazon shoppers – do we see Israel, with its salivating Washington loyalists, hoping to get their envisioned territory acquired and paid for by the last American while the getting is good, and before the long promised “War with China?”
I’m no cynic. As an optimist with a sense of humor, I think that both the US and Israel will be broken – economically, militarily, and morally – long before we are ready to seamlessly shift from war for Greater Israel to the long-promised US-China global confrontation.