Dear Americans, you desperately need to WAKE UP. You are losing your country and your liberty and your property by the minute, and almost half of you are about to vote to keep in power the Democrats who are destroying you.
The Death of the West:... Best Price: $2.12 Buy New $12.46 (as of 06:40 UTC - Details) In Colorado heavily armed immigrant-invader gangs are taking over apartment buildings. Possession being nine-tenths of the law, the gangs have run off the management and now collect the rents. The local city council cannot get the woke dumbshit Democrat governor to even acknowledge the fact. The woke mnoron tells them that “it is a figment of your imagination.”
This is the standard woke response to reality. It can’t be real, because it doesn’t fit our narrative.
The same thing is happening in Chicago and other blue areas. The pro-immigrant-invader, anti-white American Democrat regime declines to protect American citizens. The Democrat Party sees white American citizens as the oppressors, not as victims.
This report is not from the alternative media. It is from Fox News. Remember, Fox News fired their greatest profit maker of all times–Tucker Carlson–because he told too much truth.
Soon what is happening in Colorado, California, New York, Chicago and other blue states will be happening in red states. This is the reason that the Democrats have organized and financed the importation of a minimum of 3.6 million per year of immigrant-invaders, many being males of military age, into the US and are dumping them into red states. It is the reason that the Democrats refuse to protect our border. 5-Minute Core Exercise... Best Price: $4.19 Buy New $6.99 (as of 12:17 UTC - Details)
When the President of the United States will not protect the border of his country when US defense spending eclipses that of the rest of the world combined, it should wake up even insouciant Americans. But it doesn’t.
Americans are so — how to characterize it — that they have no comprehension of their dilemma. “Our government wouldn’t do that to its own people.”
When the ruling establishment steals the election for Kamala, immigrant-invaders, who are being stored in hotels and rundown motels, public schools, and airport and bus terminals are going to be unleashed on your, dear dumbshit American, home. It will be pointless for you to call the police, because it is a “tenant-renter issue.” The Democrat judges that the idiot Republicans have confirmed will rule in favor of the “tenants”– those who have stolen your home.
In view of all of the immigrant-invaders, recruited by Democrats from 150 countries in the world with US citizens’ taxpayer dollars, many of military age, where are these millions to be housed except in your homes? You will be on the streets within the next few years.
What can you do about it? Nothing. Long ago you showed your unacknowledged enemies that you are incapable of recognizing reality and of fighting if you could recognize reality. You are programmed by media and official narratives. You see the people trying to wake you up to your peril as “domestic terrorists whose free speech is a threat to democracy,” by which is meant a threat, like Trump, to the official narratives that serve agendas entirely different from those of the American people.
The 2024 election will be stolen. In the swing states all of the theft mechanisms have been legalized. Kamala’s “win” will be celebrated as a demand for the transformation of America into a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel. Life will become difficult for white citizens. “The Truth” will be imposed, and dissent from it will be heresy.
This is the future of the entire Western World, and it is close at hand.
Now go laugh at my “conspiracy theory” while your enemies prepare your dispossession.