The alpha White male celebrity is the new Dodo Bird. Nowhere is the “Great Replacement” more obvious than in the character and personalities of those trotted out by the establishment as role models. Only a dwindling number of White male role models remain, an endangered species happily being encouraged to go extinct.
When I was a kid in the 1960s, and a teenager in the 1970s, all of my heroes were White males. They dominated the sports I loved. They were all alpha to the core, even the soft-spoken ones like Bart Starr or Joe Montana. When I played baseball, football, or basketball, it never occurred to me to pretend I was even the best Black athlete. Instead, I imagined I was Notre Dame’s star wide receiver Jim Seymour, who would be screwed over by the NFL in a precursor of things to come. Or Pete Rose, before he turned obnoxious. I admired the way he ran full speed to first base after being walked. Maybe I was a child racist and didn’t know it. I’m sure if the proper Karens had been around back then, I would have been sent to sensitivity training.
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I admired many a White pop and rock star as well. The White rock stars of the era were about as alpha as human beings can be. Strong, confident, unwilling to be cucked by anybody. Picture Mick Jagger in his prime. Even into the ‘80s, while I was turned off by the big hair and pretentiousness of the heavy metal bands, no one could call them anything but 100% USDA choice alpha. And they were all White. While the sports world had already been thoroughly “diversified” by the 1970s, the music industry was being dominated by Whites. The British Invasion of the early 1960s, led by the Beatles, was pure White. Sure, you had Motown, but their sound was an attempt to appeal to Whites. All the Black girl bands tried to look and sound White.
My impressive record collection was a testament to “White Supremacy.” The Beatles. The Beach Boys. Bob Dylan. The Kinks. Procol Harum. Roxy Music. The Band. The Byrds. John Prine. Steve Goodman. The Rolling Stones. The Who. Elvis Costello, of course. Graham Parker. The Go Gos. Tom Petty. Electric Light Orchestra. Joni Mitchell. Nick Lowe. Those are just off the top of my head. Sure, I had some Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye in there. I loved Louis Armstrong. The Supremes still sound supreme to me. But, clearly, my tastes were decidedly non-diverse. I never understood the fascination with Michael Jackson, whether he raped little boys or not. To me, he was like a Black Donny Osmond, only a better dancer. And he became a freak show, turning his face into a figurative Halloween mask, in a futile effort to transition into Whiteness. Today, my record collection would be condemned as “racist.”
I’m sorry, I just didn’t pay attention to James Brown. To me, he was a good dancer who had one crossover hit, “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag.” I didn’t respect Aretha Franklin. Never thought to listen to her. I feel like I’d admitting some kind of culpability in saying I loved, and still love, Gary Lewis and the Playboys. Tommy James and the Shondells. The Four Seasons. Jan and Dean. Listen to the soundtracks of any film or TV show, focusing on music from that era. You will not hear these White acts, who had far more hit records than all the R & B Black artists combined. They’ve been sent down the memory hole. Like all the White running backs, wide receivers, and defensive backs who once flourished in the NFL. They want you to think they never existed. Old White entertainers and athletes have become unpersons.
Now, look at any potential young Don Jeffries today. To be obsessed with sports in America 2.0 means to be obsessed with Black people. Even going back to the 1990s, White kids had mostly Black sports stars to root for. Mostly Black role models. Be like Mike. Today, who does a White kid pretend he is when playing sports? Lebron James? Patrick Mahomes? Aaron Judge? White kids have been wearing almost exclusively Black stars’ jerseys for at least thirty years. We’ve come full circle; one of the few relatable things Oprah ever said was how she never had a Black doll to play with as a little girl. All children need role models they can relate to. How could any White suburban youth relate to an Allen Iverson in the 1990s and 2000s? Were tattoos, dreadlocks, and gang signs part of their community?
Those White youths began worshiping Black athletes because they were largely their only choices, much like young Oprah had only White Barbies to choose from. And they started listening to all Black rap music, with its focus on a ghetto culture that was foreign to them, because the White dominated rock and pop world was being transformed, into the “diverse” world we know and love today. You can watch it in all its glory on every Grammy Awards. In the music industry, as elsewhere in our society, “diversity” means fewer Whites. Period. The NBA and NFL, for instance, brag about their “diversity.” Well, I guess they have “diversified” things with more partially Black players. What used to indelicately be called “mulattos” in America 1.0. Where are all the Hispanic players? The Asians? The Middle Easterners?
There are still some very talented White musical artists today. Chantal Kreviazuk is an absolutely brilliant singer-songwriter. Vertical Horizon, Our Lady Peace, Better Than Ezra, Blink 182, New Found Glory, are among the White acts that are still producing music worth listening to. But none of them ever win Grammy awards. They don’t get to crossover into movies and television. They don’t have the one name thing going on, like Beyonce, or Rihanna. Or a toddler-level stage name, like Snoop Dog. Or Lil Romeo. No absurdly egotistical titles like Queen Latifah. These are the performers that utterly dominate the music world now. They are all minimal talents. Chantal Krevizuk has more talent in one fingernail than all the one name Black divas do collectively. It’s obvious who the young, aspiring White performers will look up to.
In Hollywood, where are any alpha White male leading men? Ryan Reynolds proved how “alpha” he was by dropping his pants and allowing himself to be pegged in some timeless screen classic. Picture any leading lady, of any race, bending over with her bare ass exposed for quite some time, and then getting sodomized. But females found it “refreshing.” Probably “empowering.” John Cena, the WWE star who has transitioned into film stardom, showed how beta he was, despite the muscles, when he walked onstage at the recent Oscars ceremony, completely naked, with his genitals covered by a cardboard sign. This was an example of ritual humiliation, and it is something White males are very good at. Somehow, I can’t picture Cena’s Black counterpart, the Rock (another ridiculous one namer), submitting to that.
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Who was the last alpha White movie star? Bruce Willis maybe? Poor guy is only a year older than me, and suffering from a nasty form of dementia, so his starring days are over. I don’t consider Brad Pitt alpha. He’s more of a pretty boy. And he’s married to the most inexplicable member of the CFR, Angelina Jolie. Jack Nicholson is long retired. Even the actors I like today, like Sam Rockwell, are not classic alphas. He’s more sardonic. Christian Bale emits more of a deranged vibe than an alpha one. Maybe Hugh Jackman? At any rate, they aren’t in plentiful supply, as they were from the 1930s-1990s at least. On television, virtually all White males are beta, cast only to be subjugated to White females and Black males. The literal butt of the joke. What White kid would fantasize about being them?
Children need role models. One reason why Black crime rates continue to be so high, is because all the Black role models for inner city youths are supremely flawed. Gang bangers. Rappers who were gang bangers, or are trying to adopt the persona of gang bangers. Rich drug dealers. Pimps. And, of course, all the Black athletes and entertainers. The more arrests a Black athlete accumulates, the more “respect” he gets in the “hood.” The more violent he is, the more he’s “keeping it real.” There is no Nat King Cole for them in America 2.0. It’s 50 Cent or Ludacris. The Hispanic youth have almost no role models that look like them, so they invariably gravitate to the Black celebrities, many of whom would be in prison if the laws were applied fairly. The same thing goes for Asian and Middle Eastern youths. They all worship Black role models.