Macrame Macron Is Full of Holes

France’s Macron wants to send troops to Ukraine because Russia needs to be defeated militarily given the sanctions have done nothing.  France’s entire military including desk-clerks is 198,000 strong…  It’s military spending as a percent of GDP remains at 1.94%.   Due to excessive spending, France just announced budget cuts of $10 billion to rein in a growing deficit which now stands at 4.4% of economic output.  As of last September, France’s deficit stood at $3.69 trillion.   YET, Macron wants a head-on war with Russia.  

“War cannot be won fighting behind Ukraine! – we must Fight Within!”  ~Macron

In the midst of this absurd economic farce, Macron has declared two main objectives:  1.  EU abortion rights up until birth,   and  2.   A military coup/takeover of Russia.  Following in Biden’s footsteps, Macron has zero solution for France, the people, or peace.  Sending troops to  die in Ukraine will obviously escalate the war and extend Europe into trench of target practice. The Ownership Dividend Peris, Daniel Best Price: $51.58 Buy New $32.22 (as of 07:52 UTC - Details)

Macrame Macron has drawn a line in his desert – if Russia attacks Kyiv – then France will initiate WWIII.   With what?   Of the one million rounds of ammunition France pledged to deliver to Ukraine this March – they sent 3,000 rounds.  Macron is deflecting.  Because France’s economy is in the proverbial twalette with a GDP growth rate in 2023 of .9%… and spiraling debt.

France has a shortage of high and mid level employees given they were euthanized during CoVid.   Macron’s belief that African immigrants will fill the void is dense headed.   The migrants are gulping up economic reserves while producing nothing.   France is now teetering on a Recession and Macron has no solution –

As these warrior desk-jockeys sit in their lavish castles paid for on the backs of citizens who scrimp for table food, they will retreat into their underground bunkers when the bombs explode and the screams of pain and agony are shuttered behind sound-proof walls.  Picking up a novel, they will eat caviar and drink champagne – toasting their lavish survival while their country becomes a desolate wasteland.

Depopulated.   Abortion won’t be an issue….

But then, Germany’s Scholz has already declared that the UK and France have troops on the ground in Ukraine.   Albeit ‘noncombatant’…  they quickly justify.  Somehow ‘noncombatant’ is okay, if one believes this rationalization.   By definition, noncombatant troops are classified as medical personnel or religious affiliates.   But, France and the UK have deployed ‘training and militant advisors’ to assist with targeting of Russian civilians – that would be not simply combatant – but special forces!

The reality is that weapons have been donated to Ukraine that they are incapable of operating – therefore active military personnel are sent into Ukraine to operate the missiles, target the civilians inside Russia, and destroy the Crimea Bridge.   And lie about it.   At some point, Putin will be forced to defend Russia from the aggressors –

As a result of Scholz ‘accidentally’ revealing their plan to blow up the Crimea Bridge, France and the UK have decided Germany is no longer a member of their destroy Russia alliance.   A spat has ensued.   Muscles are flexed where none exist, and Ursula is screaming for a new NATO without the US.   The  purpose?   To build a weapon stash, a missile stash, and an armament worthy of defeating any country in the world…  which would likely take a decade or more given the EU is BROKE!

“The era of Peace is over”!   The UK and France declare boldly!  

Confederate Wizards of... Young, Bennett Henderson Buy New $14.99 (as of 07:32 UTC - Details) Somehow, the peaceful wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Ukraine, Palestine, etc… don’t count as wars – and we had better prepare for what they deem an era of globular War given those peaceful ones killed millions.

Where does Trudeau stand in this melee?   He wants to jail Canadians for life if they think ‘wrong thoughts’.   Because thinking is akin to treason and monitoring thinking means Big Brother is in your car, your house, and your yard – 24/7.    Just ask Trudeau’s daughter who recently had a melt down at an airport and drunkenly accused her father of wanting to kill every Canadian citizen…

Lying to their citizens, to the world at large, France, the UK and US have already deployed troops to Ukraine.   This is how Ukraine accidentally destroyed a helicopter filled with 60 of its own prisoners in a failed swap – no one told the CIA.   This is how Ukraine bombarded civilian targets inside Russia – to push Putin into retaliation.   This is how the Spin Doctors attempt to revive wins in order to solve their crisis of defeat.   And the DoD/media propaganda continues to justify the war as ‘holding back the Bad Bear from taking over the EU’ – when no one believes a word, the farcce is over – their facade has been shred – and their faces are revealed.

The EU would lose in a war with Russia.  They haven’t the funds, the weapons, or the manpower.   The three major economies, France, Germany and UK, are on the brink of a recession.   The UK’s foreign suppliers for military purchases are all defunct of weapons including;  US, Israel, Germany and France.  Allies are no longer allies.  And faking it – has become the Napoleon Normal of Macrame Macron.

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.