Hey, Freedom-Lovers, Ready To Surf the Milei-Wave?

A plea for uncompromising libertarianism.

Javier Milei’s victorious election for Argentinian president is nothing short of a sensation. Milei openly declares himself to be a radical libertarian and even an anarcho-capitalist and almost 70 percent of young Argentinians (and 56% of all Argentinians) gave him their vote.

Whatever may happen next, Milei has already made history. He has hoisted the concept of anarcho-capitalism onto the world stage of politics, and he has proven that a radical call for freedom, at the right time and by the right candidate, can not only win votes but even elections.

Milei’s victory should give all freedom-lovers a motivational wake-up call to get prepared and engaged. We must be ready for questions such as: What is anarcho-capitalism? How would it work? Isn’t that completely insane and unrealistic?

By a happy coincidence of fate, there exists a new and fun answer to all of these questions. It’s name? The OboxPlanet. The Lost Classics Ruark, Robert Best Price: $14.97 Buy New $25.95 (as of 11:57 UTC - Details)

Anarcho-capitalism and the OboxPlanet.

Let’s take our world, the earth, with all its ideologies and political tensions, put it into a box and put it aside. We then shift our focus to a different planet, a ‘planet out of the box,’ or simply, the ‘OboxPlanet.’ This celestial twin is a mirror image of Earth, boasting the same landscapes, oceans, continents, creatures, and people – it’s like a ‘copy-paste’ version, except for one thrilling twist: it has no states. No borders, no legislators, no tax burdens, no bureaucratic red tape, and certainly no armies.

Now, let your curiosity run wild. Who constructs the roads on Obox planet? Who cares for the less fortunate? Who guarantees safety and order? And how are challenges like Covid and climate change addressed? You can find answers to all of these and to many more questions by taking an imaginary trip to the OboxPlanet.

We’ve got two ways to embark on this adventure. We can either dive into thought-provoking questions and explore the rapidly growing libertarian literature. Or we visit the OboxPlanet’s virtual “Tourist Information Center” at www.oboxplanet.com

This information hub offers a grand total of thirty highlights – think of them as the must-see wonders of OboxPlanet. Since the website is geared towards the younger generation, these attractions include not only the core topics but also delve into subtopics like “Discrimination,” “Sex and drugs,” “Animal welfare and vegetarianism,” and other hot issues of our time, like the climate change debate.

That’s it. This is the simple, playful, and fun way to illustrate an anarcho-capitalist society.

Wellness for body and soul

Give it a try for a while. Explore anything, from major topics like healthcare or COVID restrictions to everyday irritations like speeding tickets or airport security controls. It’s an exhilarating adventure—daring, radical, and remarkably constructive. Best of all, it’s free and available 24/7.

The website suggests three approaches to any given subject.

The ‘Discovery Room’ invites us to imagine, fantasize, and generate ideas for private, voluntary solutions on OboxPlanet without being distracted by questions of political feasibility and interdependencies

The ‘Retrieve Area’ reminds us that countless examples on Earth, including numerous historical instances, help us relate to voluntary, stateless solutions,

In the ‘Imagination Lounge,’ we ponder what this would mean for each of us and what we can use and implement on Earth today.

In summary, discovering innovative solutions to political questions is much like learning about alternative therapies for health problems. This process tends to cultivate optimism, enabling you to watch the news with a sense of serenity. In essence, introducing yourself and others to the OboxPlanet offers a pathway to a happier and healthier life.

Hayeks liberal utopia

“We must make the building of a free society once more an intellectual adventure, a deed of courage. What we lack is a liberal Utopia…, a truly liberal radicalism….The main lesson which the true liberal must learn from the success of the socialists is that it was their courage to be Utopian which gained them the support of the intellectuals and therefore an influence on public opinion which is daily making possible what only recently seemed utterly remote.». (F.-A. Hayek, The Intellectuals and Socialism», 1949).  

After 74 years, the OboxPlanet might just be the liberal utopia that Hayek envisioned.

Admittedly, radical socialism has largely lost its appeal. After countless horrible experiences in the 20th century, only students and professors at elite universities take it seriously.

But a vital component of the socialist ethos continues to thrive. It’s the belief that only the state can bring about peace, justice, democracy, economic well-being, diversity, and environmental conservation. In this sense, socialism is still the guiding star for just about all existing regimes and political parties. Therefore, liberty-lovers inevitably find themselves on the defensive today, fending off accusations such as, “Are you heartless and selfish? Do you want to turn the clock back to the days of early capitalism and the exploitation of workers?”

With the OboxPlanet, we turn the tables 180 degrees and launch a spirited and joyous libertarian offensive. We can create pictures and stories to illustrate how voluntary solutions will lead to greater peace, increased prosperity, and the emergence of a truly classless society. The OboxPlanet is more radical, more logically sound, and more in touch with reality than its tired, old socialist counterpart.

Now – shhh, let’s keep it under wraps for the state supporters – there is a subversive element to our strategy. A visit to OboxPlanet presents itself as a politically neutral intellectual challenge, a test of courage and imagination. The subversion lies in the irrevocable nature of the experience. Once you’ve visited this stateless world, what you’ve witnessed and learned cannot be undone, much like the unforgettable memories of any remarkable vacation. In short, a visit to OboxPlanet is a Trojan horse infiltrating the statist’s universe.

Next, picture a world where the OboxPlanet spreads like wildfire. Kids play video games set on the OboxPlanet, the high schools curriculums feature a “OboxPlanet day”, student organizations offer ‘OboxPlanet workshops» and universities support scientific research. Gradually but decisively, the OboxPlanet supplants the socialist guiding star and who knows what might happen next?

And then, there is history.

Just 40 years ago, the world was divided into the communist east and the free west, separated by an iron curtain. If someone had told me back then that these two power blocks would vanish during lifetime, I would have laughed out loud, thinking it as likely as flying cows. But then, the unimaginable occurred. The Berlin Wall crumbled virtually overnight, followed by the collapse of all communist regimes, with remarkably little bloodshed.

In hindsight, we see the wisdom in it. One of the paramount reason was the simple fact that those in the East knew of a better world in the West. As long as there was even a glimmer of progress in East Germany, the disparity with the West was bearable. When that changed in the mid-1980s, patience wore thin, and the inconceivable happened. Forty years of meticulous state indoctrination, executed with ruthless precision, arguably the most perfect control state in human history, dissipated into nothing. Slow Cooking for Two: ... Mendocino Press Best Price: $1.62 Buy New $7.00 (as of 11:57 UTC - Details)

The OboxPlanet stands as the West Germany to our present-day states. It paints a vivid picture, through visuals and narratives, of how a stateless society could thrive, and why such a society would be infinitely more peaceful and prosperous.

So, why not dare to hope for another ‘Berlin Wall fall,’ this time for the very institution of the state itself? The scenario is simple. People wake up one morning and ponder:

why should I allow a group of strangers to dictate my life?

Why should I give half of my income to the state?

How could parliamentarians and bureaucrats possibly understand what’s best for me? What gives them, people who scarcely know me, the right to do so?

The moment a critical mass of individuals cease to follow government orders, states are rendered impotent. Instantaneously.

Is it conceivable? Absolutely.

Is it likely? I certainly hope so.

Viva la Revolucion, viva el OboxPlanet

Zurich, January 2024