10 Ways to Fool the Authorities and Escape Martial Law

A Violent and Horrifying Life in a Concentration Camp Is What You May Face One Day Under Martial Law

Martial Law under a government with bad intentions can have devastating consequences. Is history about to repeat itself and will we face a violent enactment of martial law in the years ahead?

Here are 10 ways to fool the authorities and escape with your life and family.

A violent and horrifying life in a concentration camp is what you may face one day under martial law.

We’re not talking about a regional or short term enactment of martial law. We’re talking about martial law under a government with an agenda to root out and destroy any elements that are not in line with their specific agenda.

How many Jews learned the hard way in World War II that the Nazis hated Jews and wanted to exterminate them?

In a government collapse following any number of disastrous events that might befall a nation, we can bet that the next government to come to power in this day and age will need force, and a lot of it, in order to quell a rebellious people.

Force shows power and overwhelming violence spreads fear across a population. And there’s no better way to show force and enact fear into a people than to violently enforce martial law.

Making Sense of All These Cyberattacks

In World War 2, the Nazis set out to conquer Europe; it was part of the Nazi agenda before World War 2 ever began.

If it’s going to happen to us, we can bet that extensive planning and military operations that include secret government agents, computer hacking, weapons smuggling, and covert alliances are already taking place.

In the end, who will be the governing party that will enact martial law? It won’t be under an American flag.

Not the flag of our founding fathers that is. Don’t get me wrong. The American flag may still fly — but if it does fly, it’s going to be dwarfed by a larger flag with any number of national or foreign symbols poised above it.

Escaping Martial Law

1. Run, Don’t Walk, Run

With death bearing down on your community, on your neighborhood, on your front door, it’s better to make a hasty retreat for the countryside than to wait too long and find out the hard way … that you waited too long to evacuate.

Right now, be prepared to ensure that you have access to news, even following a loss of the power grid. The latest emergency AM/FM and weather alert radios now have multiple alternative power sources, from handcrank to built-in miniature solar panels, while still also taking rechargeable batteries and standard AA batteries, which you can have a supply on. This can help ensure you have access to news, which may be a lifesaver one day if you hear (on your emergency radio) that a rogue military faction is seizing communities and setting up martial law.

Finally, Ham radio is another option for news from the local region especially if you’re on the move, and if you have family or friends in the region with two-way radios. Note, U.S. law currently requires a license to operate Ham radio, but if government collapses, who’s going to enforce that rule? (U.S. law will be no more.)

However you get that news of approaching martial law, you can now make a hasty retreat before your neighborhood is locked down. What if the first step of a rogue faction is to seize and interrogate (torture) healthy adult men who they see as a possible threat to their power?

Imprisonment, Executions, Torture

The Nazis did this to the Jews in World War II — and there were a lot of executions if you remember (the Bible tells us that it’s going to happen again in the end of days — imprisonments, executions at the hands of the Anti-Christ — but on a bigger scale than what the Nazis had in store for the Jews … Islamic Jihad anyone? They hate Christians; that makes them a candidate for Anti-Christ in my book; aren’t they right now wiping out large numbers of Christians in the Middle East? And now they’re in America, recruiting for Jihad on U.S. soil… Is it possible that right now Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes?…)

Back to that escape from martial law…

From the countryside, you can hide safely under the cover of the forest, and make plans and preparations for the next leg of your journey.

A large number of Jews were able to escape the Nazis by fleeing into the forests, surviving the weather and foraging for food (or just handouts of free food), and eventually escaping. Sometimes they had the help of “underground” elements, resistance fighters and their supporters.

2. Seek Cover and Stay Camouflaged

Jews who waited too long to evacuate, or moved too slowly, or didn’t do a good job hiding out, were rounded up, or simply shot where they were found. The key to not being found is to:

– Stay under cover (you don’t want to be spotted from a drone, helicopter, or plane circling in the air)

– Avoid “line of sight” (position yourself so that your path of travel isn’t visible to anyone scouring the land with binoculars; trees and tall brush can provide concealment from every direction; avoid meadows and open spaces).

– Be ready to belly crawl … slowly (not getting caught is of utmost importance; be ready to drop to your belly and crawl on all fours, stomach and head low to the ground, and move at a snail’s pace; moving extremely slow will help you avoid snapping twigs and also avoid shaking the brush or tall grass around you, movement which can give away your position to anyone close by).

– Be patient (if you have any questions or suspicions about a possible searching party trying to track your position, be ready to stop moving completely and simply lay right where you are for the next several hours — until the cover of dark perhaps — or when you feel it’s safe to start moving again).

– Hide well off trail (the further you can get from any noticeable trail to hide, or just to sleep, the better; if these are just soldiers acting on orders, they may not be too excited about slugging through a swamp or wetland, or climbing a steep hill of dense brush, which brings us to…)

3. Choose the Path of MOST Resistance

From your starting point, what is the hardest way into the wilderness? What has the most brush, the steepest gully, that is still passable? If authorities are not right on your tail, and you have a head start, consider taking a path that no one in their right mind would be likely to take.

It might take you 30 minutes to climb a 200 yard hillside through the woods, but if that hillside climb puts you on a path off the beaten track, you can increase the odds that you’ll never be found, and that no one is going to follow the path you have taken.

4. Cover Your Tracks

Soldiers acting on authorities to round up evacuees might not be well trained (or have any real training) in tracking. That said, you should be cautious along whatever path you take not to leave signs of your presence, and especially not to leave signs revealing the direction you are traveling.

Signs to avoid are:

– Broken branches (avoid breaking branches; even twigs breaking off brush as you pass by are tell tale “white” signs pointing to your presence)

Flattened grass (crawling through an open area of grass comes with a danger; you may leave a trail of flattened grass pointing in your direction of travel; if you have time, and you have to travel through grass, for a short distance into the grass, turn at repeated points, and use your hands to stand the grass back up, so that it’s no longer flattened and conceals your path of travel)

– Foot marks in damp soil (be ever cautious about open areas of soil, especially damp soil; damp soil is a fast way to leave a shoe print revealing your direction of travel; step cautiously over and around open areas of soil to avoid leaving shoe prints).

– Camp fires (smoke from camp fires can alert people from miles away to your location and ashes from a camp fire on the ground can tell trackers just how long it’s been since you were there; as much as possible, avoid any camp fires until you are a very safe distance away; keep them short, brief, and very small when you do need one)

– Litter (don’t drop anything to signal your presence, from an empty matchbook to a cigarette lighter to garbage from your food supplies; bury everything you don’t want well off trail where it won’t be found)

5. Fool Any Pursuers

So you plan on entering the woods near a highway? Cross to the other side of the highway and break a number of branches and clear a path of brush and create what looks like a trail leading in the opposite direction you actually plan to travel.

Continue forward along that false trail you’ve started, and leave additional signs giving pursuers the impression that is the direction you or others are traveling.

Now go back to your original planned starting point, perhaps “choosing the path of most resistance” (see above), and head off in the opposite direction.

Pull this off and you’ve just made a safe getaway and any pursuers will be shortly later on a wild goose chase leading to nowhere.

– Now is a great time to litter. Remember that rule above about avoiding littering — well there is a time to litter, and that is when you want to use litter as a way to fool pursuers into believing you went one direction, or crossed a river, when you actually doubled back and went another way.

Consider dropping an empty matchbook and arranging things to look like a temporary camp site.

In one area, urinate (or pour water) on the ground, and then make foot prints in the damp soil, that look like you are walking in a certain direction.

Got an old shirt? Cut a length of paracord and tie it securely to a rock, and then tie both to a shirt. Wrap the rock in the shirt and then throw both over a narrow river you have no intention to cross (choose a point in the river where it would be a dangerous crossing) so that the rock and shirt fall on the other side of the river where the shirt is visible to anyone searching from your side of the river (dunk your shirt in the water to give it more weight prior to your toss — it should travel a few feet further than it might if dry)

In a short while any pursuers who see your shirt may be fooled into thinking you crossed over the river. By the time they cross (if they are even able to cross, remember this is a fast point of the river we’re talking about) and discover the rock tied to your shirt, and possibly realize they’ve been fooled, you may be far off in a different direction.

Make it more believable by making foot prints in a damp area of sand or dirt near the river bank that point to the river.

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