There are two systems diverging. One I will call the world system. The other I will call the better system.
The world system incorporates the Old World thinking and the New World Order, alike.
The Old World thinking of Europe gets us into wars of ethnic groups that are 95-99% similar (such as Germans and French other in many historical wars, or Ukrainians, Russians, and Ashkenazis on both sides of the Atlantic using American military and intelligence assets to fight each other in the Ukraine). The Old World thinking invites a certain village way of seeing the world.
There are positives of a village. I am not talking about the positives (those will all be absorbed by the better system, which loves many ways of the village). I am going to talk about the bad ways. When you are a petty person stuck in a village and your whole world is right there, trying to pettily compete with the neighbors, you end up getting all pissed off when your neighbor gets a new goat and you don’t have a goat. And you get happy when your neighbor’s goat dies in the night and you never had a goat.
I wonder if there might, instead, be an opportunity to use that situation to cooperate with your neighbor and get yourself a goat. Somehow, people with a petty village mindset has been placed at the top of our foreign policy establishment, but also many other areas of government. We end up with petty, Old World fighting over things like goats, when most Americans really don’t care at all whether the neighbor has more goats than him, or even any goats at all.
A system works when our “elite” are morally superior to the rest of us and leading in a good path. The people in the roles of the elite, at present, are instead the most morally degenerate of our whole population in the United States and globally.
Accordingly, a plentiful number of common folk are realizing they would rather not even interact with such people who fashion themselves as the elite and would be happier building something new of their own. Here the better system comes into play.
Some call this a parallel economy. It may be. But really an economy is everything, so that artificial division of an economy really doesn’t work. And as far as parallels goes, it is really just people saying “I have a different way of doing things and I really don’t want much to do with your way of doing things.”
So they start businesses that give birth to industries. They start families that give birth to communities. They start churches that give birth to denominations. They start lifestyles that give birth to cultures.
And the world system suffers. While the better system prospers. Never in a clear line, but in ebbs and flows.
And why does the world system suffer? Because so many resources leave it. One of the most important resources were the people of principle who no longer wanted to play the game of struggling with degenerates to keep things on track. The struggle makes the outcome better (at least for the degenerates). This is true no matter how much the degenerates moan about the people of principle. But what happens, is that eventually the people of principle realize that they are not just struggling, but they are supporting the whole mess on their own shoulders and they don’t really like the direction it is all going.
If they are the ones, after all, holding everything up, then they are the ones to blame when really awful things are allowed to take place. And that bugs them the worst.
It was not the effort, or the cost, or the struggle that bugged them. They are happy to be hard workers and heavily invested in causes they believe in. It was the outcome of the work they were doing that bugged them. They put in 80 or 90% of the work and had 5 or 10% of the say over how things would turn out.
They brought the muscle, they knew the tactics, but when it came to strategy or vision they were not welcome. The problem is, they had plenty of strategy and vision they wished to share, but were never allowed to. Sharing, though, is not enough. It really is the impact of their own work that sits poorly with a person of principle.
When it gets so bad around that you can do simple math like the examples that follow, then the world system promises to lose the person of principle:
It only takes 390 people paying their Verizon bill for a year to fund an additional week of abortions at a Planned Parenthood satellite clinic. At some point someone catches onto that, and even if they love Verizon, they realize they can’t bear it on their heart to keep funding that, even if they are just 1 out of 390.
718 people who watch eight movies a year in the theater and 22 episodes of a streaming service a month are enough to support a new sex trafficked child being introduced to the Hollywood sex trafficking scene.
Pay your property tax bill this year, and you have given thousands to a local education system that is dedicated to destroying the hearts, minds, and souls of every child it touches.
Those are not children far away who you are messing up. Those are children in your own community who you mess up when you pay your property tax bill.
All that math is based on estimates, not facts. But in the process that I am laying out, you see the truth of what is happening. This is why the world system will not be able to stay in place. It is too great a burden on the conscience for a person of principle to bear.
The future is very bright for he who breaks off his support for such evil. He will live with a clearer conscience, sleep better at night, and have more of the resources of his work to direct toward the purposes he most values.
However, as he does that, there is a sudden power shift in the environment he left. His lack of resources will eventually be felt, but in the short term there is great benefit to those he struggled against. They suddenly do not have to contend with him. They suddenly gained a great deal more power and influence, at least in the short term and at least in the area of life that they have the ability to see. Tremendous losses will be felt by anyone who only sees the world system. Keep your focus there and you will miss what is really happening.
What is really happening is that people are reframing their view of the world and finding virgin land all around them ready to be farmed. It is fertile. It is bountiful. It is just waiting for someone to come along and seize the opportunity.
The world system survives another day, another week, another year by keeping you distracted from such a detail.
And if you will realize the potential all around you, you will not be distracted. The opportunities are just too amazing: living life as accountable to your values as possible, every newton of labor being as accountable to your values as possible. That does not sound bad. But you know what, once you share that concept, letting other people know what you are doing, it won’t sound bad to them either. You will have immediate customers — not because you deliver faster, build more precisely, or make it cheaper to live, but because of this — because what you are doing is better.
“Better how?” you will reasonably ask. Well, that is up to the consumer to decide, but I suspect that in all the ways that really matter, what you will be doing is better.
As the resources of good people leave, the world system gets massively worse (which will be the equivalent of huge losses within that system), and as the resources of good people enter, the better system gets massively improved (which will be the equivalent of huge gains within that system).
Huge losses and huge wins are ahead.
When you see them happening, take a moment to pause and reflect on what you are really seeing. Every loss is not such an awful loss. Every win is not such a big win. The context of how and where those wins happen mean a great deal. The system you have abandoned deserves little of your concern. The systems and institutions that you embrace deserve your concern.
Expect big losses ahead for good people in the world system. And that will be okay, good in fact. Expect them heavily reported on. Expect big wins ahead for good people in the better system. And that will be okay, good in fact. Expect them to be widely ignored by the world system media.
Such dynamics will show the increasing segmentation of the better system from the world system. Something new is being created and there are some birth pangs ahead. Don’t fear that. What we are seeing is part of how it works — massive wins and massive losses. It is the context of those massive wins and massive losses that matter so much.
Come join me on an adventure. Each morning, I seek to offer a fresh take on what we have going on and to invite you to participate in things that I am building. In the political and governmental realm, Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy are two examples of old system people looking for ways to either cross us over or to save what we have. Grab a copy of my latest book on that topic “The Case for Robert Kennedy,” when you sign up for my daily newsletter at this link —