RACISM – The Founding of The Americas By Russians and Asians

Education at the k-12 level has dropped precipitously over the last 3 years.   Much of the decline is led by a lack of degreed teachers who specialize in the three R’s; reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmatic.   Instead students are bombarded with race, gender, and victimhood.   But it isn’t just our public elementary and secondary education affected, universities have seen a precipitous drop in test scores.  

Harvard has once again led the communist movement to further dummy down our children by accepting low SAT scores in the name of DEI.   Asian students, a minority, are being shunned from the Harvard list despite typically having the highest scores.   WHY?   Because smart people are racist.

When reviewing the diversity statistics at Harvard, I think I may have found the problem Houston – the percentage of total enrolled student population add to 73.66%.   Harvard has an obvious math problem!   Then there is this doozy:   “The majority of students enrolled in undergraduate programs are white men (18.2 percent), followed by white women (15.9 percent), and then Asian women (4.1 percent) (11.9 percent ).”   What is the 11.9%?

Harvard’s faculty is equally devoid of the full spectrum of diversity – they have -0- Hispanic faculty members.

Apparently Diversity and equity only applies to blacks – and no one else.   Taking lower ACT and SAT scores is their equity.   Lowering the bar to accommodate blacks.   But lowering the bar isn’t just about education, it applies to our newly obese military, our firefighter written exams, pilot training air time, and generally all aspects within our federal government.

Biden declares that he has positioned whites behind nonwhites in the federal government – whites sitting at 44%. Not based on performance or education or merit – but based simply on color.   THAT FOLKS is – Racism.

In that light, a black woman on Twitter exposed her education with the statement, “I am witness to hundreds of generations of racism.”   A.   you can only witness what is alive in your singular lifetime.   B.   Best guess is there have been roughly 20 generations since 1776.

Racism is used as victimhood.   Blacks in inner cities are reigning down with crime that is now commonplace theft, burglary, and assault.   Streets are shuttered at night to accommodate 200-300 blacks taking over entire blocks – police are told to ‘stand down’.   ALL in the name of ‘victimhood’.

“My parents were oppressed therefore I am entitled to steal whatever I want.”   And blackman Obama grins.   This is what he wants for his people!   This is Obama’s vision.

Remember when the Obama/Fauci/Gates team demanded blacks be ‘prioritized’ for Vax Jab?   They wanted blacks to Die.   That is victimhood. Perpetrated by the Black man behind Biden – Obama.   Of course, Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett are also behind the Curtain in the White House demanding, 1) blacks be the dummy-down basis for all education,   2)   blacks be slaughtered first.

Or maybe Blacks received a different Jab…

Establishing victimhood as the key point is the basis of reparations.

Victimhood psychology is a reactive response to an injustice that person feels was directed specifically at their person by another.   Under normal circumstances, it unleashes a range of emotions and behaviors that can be destructive.   By Definition: Victim compensation is a direct financial reimbursement to a victim for an expense that resulted from a crime.

Historically, slavery was not a crime. Therefore there is no basis for reparations given there was no ‘crime’.

Newsom made a mockery of reparations by establishing a committee to determine the compensation they felt was deserving.   After much deliberation, the Committee produced their results – and Newsome basically told them to go sit quietly in a corner because he was ‘just kidding’!   Not a slap on the wrist – a punch in the face to those who believed he was serious.

In essence, by offering reparations and then subsequently denying them, Newsom was the perpetrator of a racist crime.

In reality, racism is inherent in every single soul on the globe.   It will never be eradicated.   Our contrarian government handlers seem to believe that the means to erasing racism is by making those who are the ice cream flavor of the month behave like criminals.   In Obama’s world – that would be Blacks.   As a direct result, the ideology scored is blacks hate everyone – including blacks.\

Education is key.

But Obama believes that a dummy education will foster a better world for his compatriot blacks.   And perhaps that ideology stems from Obama’s own challenged education achievement.   Was the Harvard degree bought?   How come no one remembers him at Columbia?   Why didn’t he practice law?

Buying a degree is now relatively commonplace.   Cheap. Easy.   And deceitful.

There are untold number of Congress’persons’ whose degrees are questionable, cough-cough.   Law degrees are the preferred purchase.   And the Ivy Leagues simply charge more than their ‘scoff’ underlings.

In this newly immortalized world, everything is for sale.   Twitter followers can be bought in bulk increments.   Smallest = 300-500 cost about $80.   Multiply that by 1000 and the wealthy suddenly declare themselves Host and Hostess with the Mostest at a mere dropping of $20 grand or so to ‘look good’ and fans lap it up like peasants (the cost is progressive).

The ONLY real purpose of promoting Racism is division.   And in that token, blacks are victimized because they are taught to hate – everyone.   American Indians are also tokens of victimization.   Claiming they founded America and were here first – does NOT align with science!

In fact, “science” has determined that the true first settlers to the Americas came from Russia & Asia.   White people.   Asians.   They became the Aztecs, the Cherokee, the Navajo, etc…   Does that mean all those of Russian and Asian ancestry deserve reparations?   Or does it mean that Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Russia are completely and irrevocably intertwined ancestrally?

IF you want to talk about ‘who was here first and was subjected to slavery’ lets go back to the Beginning and discuss the racism against the America founders – Asians and Russians.  Because I don’t feel sorry for blacks, or Asians, or whites, or Hispanics, or Indians, or any tribe per se – I feel sorry for those who live under the Blog Heading of and by Victimhood!

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.