What Happened to CDC Libertarians?

On May 11, the Biden-Harris administration allowed the Covid-19 public health emergency to expire and ended the Covid-19 vaccine requirements for federal employees, federal contractors, Head Start educators, and international air travelers. The administration’s restrictions and vaccination campaign supposedly slowed “the spread of new variants entering the country” and “saved millions of lives.”

This reminds to me to ask the question: What happened to CDC libertarians?

The most recent thing related to Covid that I recall any of them saying was back on May 1 when one of them foolishly remarked that “the vaccines have appreciably reduced the risk of severe infections, particularly among the elderly and other vulnerable groups, but do not substantially prevent infection itself,” and that “the vaccines may reduce the severity of symptoms, and a jab appears to offer temporary protection—much like so-called natural immunity after recovering from the disease.”

But this is a far cry from 2020 and 2021 when they preached the virtues of the Covid vaccine, booster shots, PCR tests, face masks, at-home Covid tests, capacity limits, vaccine passports, and social distancing while being careful to say—almost as an afterthought—that the government shouldn’t mandate these things. And who can forget their ridiculous tweets disclosing their vaccination status?

CDC libertarians began to see the light in 2022. They still reported on the latest sub-variant of the latest Covid variant like it was real news, and rarely mentioned anything negative about the Covid vaccine, but stopped pushing face masks and quit saying stupid things like: children aren’t harmed by wearing face masks.

But since they jumped off the Covid bandwagon, CDC libertarians have launched a new crusade: the sexualization and mutilation of children.

They talk about gender dysphoria like it is a real medical condition instead of the figment of a confused child’s imagination.

They oppose attempts to prevent teachers from talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools.

They dismiss legislation to curtail “gender transition procedures” for minors as “culture war fodder.”

They continually use the ridiculous phrase “trans kids.”

They support the right of boys pretending to be girls to use the girl’s restroom and enter girl’s sporting events.

They oppose attempts to restrict the attendance of minors at drag queen story hours and drag shows.

They support the right of minors to have “gender affirmation” surgeries and chemical therapies like hormones and puberty blockers.

The support of these libertarians of the sexualization and mutilation of children should come as no surprise. It is they who have doubled down on their support of the murder of unborn children since the leaked initial draft of the opinion that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Formerly CDC libertarians may be for “free minds and free markets,” but they are despicable human beings who give libertarians a bad name.