Is Covid-19 Snake Venom in Municipal Water Story a Psy-Op?

“It’s not COVID…it’s (snake venom) poison in the (drinking) water” – Dr. Bryan Ardis

“Snake venom is not the same as poison. The protein-based toxins of snake venom need to get into your bloodstream (by snake bite or injection) to cause substantial damage. If you swallowed it, your stomach acids and digestive enzymes would likely break it (down). It could be as if you never took a sip” (What If Show)

There is a hysterical story spreading across intentionally unnamed internet websites by a chiropractor, Dr. Bryan Ardis, about how Covid-19 contains snake venom that has poisoned municipal water systems in the US.

The sociology of knowledge teaches us that even scientific knowledge is socially contagious and spreads divisively along social class lines between the Knowledge Class and the Working Class.  Thus, it is no surprise thus far that this story has been gotten wrong by conservatives, liberals and libertarians.  I shall attempt to shed some light on the story based on my experience of working in the largest government urban water agency in California for 20 years.

First, full disclosure on my humble qualifications on water contamination issues. I am not a water chemist or toxicologist.  However, I once wrote an article Perchlorate Paranoia Percolating in Pasadena that was re-published by Gale Scientific Publishers in a science book in the United Kingdom.  And my article — The Dose Makes the Poison: Environmental Phobia or Regulatory Stigma? – was published in the definitive textbook on the valuation of contaminated properties by the Appraisal Institute.

To disclose upfront where I am coming from in this article, my thesis is that the Covid snake poison in municipal water systems story is overblown disinformation (a Shakespearean plague mainly on conservatives) and that there is no contagious Coronavirus germ in the first place (a plague mainly on liberals and libertarians), although there are non-airborne contagious viruses. Here is why.

First, there is no known epidemic of any virus, bacteria or pathogen that is causing the bugaboo Covid-19 in municipal water systems.  What Ardis is referring to is the CDC testing of 666 MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER SYSTEMS, not water supply systems, for the presence of Covid-19.  This testing uses the same dubious Polymer Chain Reaction (PCR) Test that has fomented the Covid-19 mania in the first place.  Wastewater systems treat effluent before discharging it back into the water cycle or treating it with disinfectants before recycling it for reuse.  Conventional wastewater treatment methods remove or inactivate viruses, bacteria, protozoa and toxins.  The CDC monitors Covid-19 incidence in selected cities because the data shows changes four to six days before showing up in clinics and can serve as an early warning system.  But there is no Covid-19, so testing for Covid-19 in drinking water is a hollow exercise.  For example, statistician Genevieve Briand, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, found there was no unexpected significantly increased death rate from Covid-19 in the US in 2021 when the data was adjusted for the population bulge of the Baby Boom elderly.

Moreover, water would have to be poisoned or contaminated between the local water tank and the water meter all across the country, a virtual impossibility.  Furthermore, you can’t get what is called Covid-19 from tapwater. And  snake venom is also dissolvable and diluted in water. Independent vaccine researcher Patrick Jordan sent me an email that snake venom protein would not be able to survive in a treated municipal water supply.

Venom in Wastewater is a Look-A-Like Enzyme

A toxicology technician (B.A. degree, formerly with California EPA) named Ashley Everly replied to Dr. Ardis in an email that is also floating around the internet.  Everly says the so-called venom-like enzyme occurs naturally in the body. An enzyme is a catalyst that helps breakdown food or performs other biochemical reactions. The enzyme is identified as Type II Secretory Phospholipase A2 (sPLA2-IIA). It becomes dangerously elevated in patients with atherosclerosis, vascular disease and cancer.  Everly further says those spreading the snake venom in Covid story “did not share a proof; they shared coincidences, misinterpretations of research, and actually lied by omission”.

Reportedly, this enzyme was found linked to Covid-19 by University of Arizona researchers in 2021.  But, independent vaccine researcher, Patrick Jordan (author: ICD-999: Vaccine Induced Diseases-The Chronic Serum Sickness Postulate, 2015) was the apparent first researcher to identify snake venom in vaccines in 2009University of Arizona researchers did not explain the mechanism of biological action of snake venom in potable (drinking) water or how tap water could logistically be contaminated with Covid-19.  The Arizona study was funded by numerous government and non-profit agency grants and seems to be based on the false notion that correlation indicates causation. Moreover, if the enzyme is produced internally in the human body, what is its significance if found in municipal water? Nonetheless, it is undeniable that drug companies are conducting research on the use of snake venom in vaccines if not already using them.

How do we know there is Covid-19 in municipal water systems?  Because the CDC and government agencies assert Covid-19 has been genetically sequenced in a patent held by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  But, research conducted by independent researchers found that there is no biological identification of the genetic sequence of Covid-19.  Moreover, if Covid-19 was really a snake venom how could the virus also have been properly sequenced genetically as a virus?

Given all the above, this raises the question whether the news aggregator video websites and internet venues posting on these websites about snake venom in Covid-19-laced snake venom drinking water are psy-ops.   One commenter has already accused Ardis as controlled opposition.  The Covid-19 snake venom story reminds me of social psychologist Leon Festinger’s study of a UFO cult that doubled-down on their belief in UFO’s even when their prophecy never occurred.  The more factual disconfirmation of UFO’s, the more cult followers sought social support for their belief.  It is thus unlikely that those who believe in this story can be convinced otherwise.

The peddling of the fear of snake oil or snake water goes back over a century ago.  The moral of this story seems to be that deception and watching conservative anti-Covid-19 websites or liberal news broadcasts can be bad for your health because it diverts you from recognizing the very real deaths from vaccines and those dying from hospitalization (sepsis) from many chronic diseases.  Snake venom is safe to drink but unsafe if injected into your blood stream says it all.