“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Not Benito Mussolini, but still true.
Corporations have been controlling governments across the west to varying degrees since there were governments to control. Today this happens with back room deal making, revolving doors of executives shuffling between board rooms and government agencies charged with that industry’s oversight and then back to the board room. It happens through funding research with corporate grants and state subsidies in what is now called ‘regulatory capture’.
We do not call ‘regulatory capture’ bribery or corruption. We do not even call bribery or massive corruption in government by its real name, we call it “lobbying”. We do not call the lateral move from corporation to government agencies on behalf of that corporation’s industry corruption, we call it “public service”. No matter how large the speaking fees or how many millions in stock options await the public servant they are apparently still serving the public and not the corporation.
When politicians take millions in contributions from corporations we do not call that corruption either, or bribery, we call it “campaign financing” through “political action committees”. No matter how many millions the politician raises through these legal mechanisms we are still supposed to believe they will serve the voters and not their financial contributors.
When corporate lawyers working for lobbying firms write legislation for congress, often prepared in advance of manufactured “news” (sometimes catastrophic events: See Patriot Act) that warrants its immediate passing and signing without meaningful debate or even lawmakers reading the bill, we call this the “legislative process”.
When vaccine trials with experimental gene therapy are rammed through something called ‘operation warp speed’ with falsified data and questionable practices and immediately approved for emergency use authorization while suppressing cheap effective therapies at the expense of millions of lives, we call this “following the science”. We do not call it Democide or Pharmacide.
When the man who was part of creating and funding the man-made virus that was “accidentally” released from a level four bio lab in China is put in charge of managing the government response to his own catastrophic failures, we do not call him a war criminal but a “public health servant”. He is paraded across the public airwaves for two years making contradictory statements while hailed by Corporate-State elites as a hero.
The word “Orwellian” gets bandied about daily now, and rightly so. The people sense they are watching the boot of tyranny descend closer and closer to their heads.
War is Peace.
War criminals are heroes.
Bribery is lobbying.
Corruption is regulatory capture.
Looting Treasuries is Quantitative Easing.
When children are forced to wear masks that do absolutely nothing other than destroy their souls and torment them psychologically this is sold to the inquisitive parent and obedient masses as “public health policy” for the “common good”. It’s never called overt child abuse worthy of prison time for those who mandate or enforce it.
Freedom is Slavery.
Child abuse is safety for the common good.