America’s Hitlerian Henchmen

When describing the evils of the Nazi regime, we tend to focus on Hitler himself. And though we can place the responsibility for the Holocaust squarely on his shoulders, he could never have accomplished his genocidal plans without the full cooperation of hundreds of underlings who carried out his orders. Here are some names that most people won’t recognize, but who kept the engine of the Third Reich running at full tilt: Walter Funk, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Albert Speer, Karl Donitz, Erich Raeder, Wilhelm Keitel, and Martin Bormann.

Similarly, as we face encroaching fascistic tyranny in America today, the draconian orders coming down from on high would die on the vine if not for the participation of hundreds—make that thousands—of bureaucrats and petty officials who willingly violate all sense of ethics and morality, not to mention the rights enshrined in our founding documents, to enact cruel and unusual mandates against We the People.


Let’s take a look at just of few of our own homegrown henchmen.

Among the many treasonous, traitorous Congressional, state and county officials—not to mention our demented Usurper-in-Chief and his staff of sycophantic Marxists, all of whom have jettisoned the Constitution and our protections under our cherished Bill of Rights—let me call your attention to three less well-known men of special note. They are Warren Newton, MD, President and CEO of the American Board of Family Medicine; Richard J. Baron, MD, President and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine; and David G. Nichols, MD, MBA, President and CEO of the American Board of Pediatrics.

These three medical office holders—men in key positions of leadership in the medical establishment who are bound, along with all our physicians, by the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm—have issued a Joint Statement threatening any doctor who speaks out about COVID vaccine dangers, injuries, or deaths.


Meantime, back at the ranch—I mean the Offal Office—here’s what ol’ senile Joe had to say: “I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated.” And regarding the governors in the so-called red states: “If they will not help, if those governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”

Um…Joe, exactly what power might that be? Monarchical power over the sovereign states? You mean we’re not in America anymore? Got it!

Here’s Jeffrey Tucker’s take, from Gilder’s Daily Prophecy: “This is essentially a declaration of war. I’m sorry to put it that way but that’s where we are. It’s red vs blue, a war to the knife over power. Already 19 governors have signed up to sue the federal government. That’s great, provided that the American court system still works and that the Biden administration gives a flying fig about what the courts say.”

And here’s what Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel has to say: I have been warning against this tyranny for months. Joe Biden’s recent speech was divisive—scapegoating the “unvaccinated,” saying, “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Remember, Hitler blamed the Jews for disease and the “Black Death.”


Apparently this tyranny is trickling down to our counties—or perhaps it’s trickling up from them. In any case, the county of Santa Clara, home to Apple Computer, Google, and neighbor to Facebook in San Mateo County, has published very specific instructions for contact tracing for COVID exposure that sure sounds tyrannical to me:

CLOSE CONTACT of a COVID-19 positive person = someone who was within 6 feet of the infected person for at least 15 minutes at any time beginning 2 days before the infected person had symptoms or tested positive. Close contacts include people who had 15 minutes of continuous contact with the infected person, as well as people who had repeated short- duration interactions with the infected person. Being considered a close contact does not depend on whether the contact or the infected person was wearing a face covering during their interaction. (emphasis mine)

Hmmm… So face masks don’t prevent transmission, eh? But you still insist we wear them? Seems our “health” officers have a lot of ‘splainin’ to do. I guess we have to be tracked and traced in case we forget who that woman was in the grocery store who stood too close to us while inspecting the melons and who may have had a positive bogus PCR COVID test two days later, right?


Not to be outdone, San Diego County recently went full-on Orwellian with its new policy, proposed by Supervisor Nathan Fletcher. Here’s the subject line of his resolution:


Hmmm…see that first clause, “framework for our future”? Does that mean from now on San Diego intends to ban any health information it deems, um, incorrect? How about information on vitamins like D3, or recommendations to take vitamin C? Off limits in perpetuity? Just wonderin’.

And here’s a brief sampling of San Diego’s thought-police directive for persecuting an erstwhile free citizenry:

San Diego County’s policy directs the county’s chief administrative officer to implement Murthy’s recommendations with the following strategies:


  • devote resources to identify and label health misinformation and disseminate timely health information to counter misinformation that is impeding the county’s ability to keep the community safe;
  • partner with federal, state, territorial, tribal, private, nonprofit, research and other local entities to identify best practices to stop the spread of health misinformation;
  • identify resource gaps to combat health misinformation and work with state and federal partners to meet ongoing needs; and


  • work with the medical community and local partners to develop a website that will serve as a central resource for combating health misinformation in the community. (emphasis mine)

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