‘Rockwell, You’re No Grover Cleveland’

That’s what an old friend told me. Of course, I agreed. “But there is a relationship,” he noted, “and it’s why I am sending my LRC donation right now.”

The 1884 Democratic presidenial nomination was clinched for the somewhat-libertarian Cleveland with the seconding speech of Edward Bragg, who roused the delegates with an attack on Manhattan’s Tammany Machine.

Looking down directly at the Tammany delegates, Bragg shouted, “They love him, gentlemen, and they respect him, not only for himself, for his character, for his integrity and judgment and iron will, but they love him most of all for the enemies he has made.” The Tammany boss screamed that he “welcomed the compliment,” but it didn’t work.[amazon asin=1494399806&template=*lrc ad (right)]

“So, Lew, while you’re no Grover, we do love you most for all the enemies you have made: neocons, warmongers, merchants of death, police statists, reporters, Kochites, Sorosites, redistributionists, crony capitalists, corporatists, advocates of a foreign state, beltwayites, fascists, Keynesians, the NY Times, National Review, the Washington Post, big-government libertarians, haters of free speech and free association, and every opponent of liberty.

“You’re no Cleveland. But all the creeps in DC and and their satraps can’t stand you. And that is all I need to know. My PayPal donation is on its way to you. Just promise that they’ll all keep opposing you!”

LRC could use your help, too, of course. We want to be more effective in 2014 for freedom. If you can help, you’ll not only do good, you’ll bother the bad guys. Let’s give them a hotfoot!

Your gift of $100, $50, or $25 would be great. $500, $1,000, or any amount would be magnificent.

The relentless and well-funded attack of our enemies took its toll this year, but we never fell, never stumbled, and are ready to counterattack in 2014.

We are determined, with your help, to work harder to be worthy of our ideas. We have the truth on our side, after all, and Murray Rothbard asked us to carry on his work. How can we falter?

With you, we can’t.