Recently by Simon Black: A Secret Paradise for Gun Rights and Residency
Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.
Now if this doesnt give one reason to pause and consider the distortions of liberty that have taken place in western civilization, I dont know what will. Think about it:
Does a free society send government hit men to eliminate anyone they perceive to be an enemy of the state?
Does a free society have hundreds of police agencies, each with the authority to deprive a man of his life, liberty and property in their sole discretion?
Does a free society have hundreds of thousands of laws, codes, rules, regulations, and policies which effectively criminalize nearly every aspect of ones existence?
Does a free society lead the world in prison population?
Does a free society hunt down criminals and terrorists by treating its citizens like criminals and terrorists?
Does a free society tell its citizens what foods they are / are not allowed to consume?
Does a free society steal your money at gunpoint to buy bombs that they drop by remote control on brown people in faraway lands?
Does a free society debase its currency and plunder the purchasing power of its citizens?
Does a free society saddle unborn generations with obligations they never signed up to bear?
Does a free society award near total control of the economy, the money supply, and everything tied to it, to a tiny elite few?