Ventura: Abolish Both Political Parties Slams mainstream media as ‘hired guns to push an agenda’


Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura called for the abolition of the Democratic and Republican parities in an appearance last night on CNN, saying they are worse than violent warring street gangs.

In an interview with Piers Morgan, Ventura did not hold back, urging that “We need to abolish the political parties,” and “Make them political action committees.”

As he does in his new book, the former Navy Seal compared the current two party US political system to the infamous Los Angeles street gangs the Bloods and Crips.

“They call the blue states Democrats, well that is also the colors of the Crips,” he explained. “Naturally, the Bloods’ color is red and the Republican states are called red states.”

“They’re worse,” Ventura continued. “Let me explain why they’re worse: The Crips and the Bloods, the street gangs, while they can be devastating to a certain small part of the population, the Democrips and the Rep-bloodicans, they affect everybody in this country.”

Ventura elaborated by explaining that the system has been corrupted by big money and both parties are bought and paid for, leaving no room for a third party to have any success.

Ventura suggested that presidential candidates should be “required to wear a NASCAR racing suit” to “show who owns them”.

The former Governor also had some choice words for the corporate media, for not scrutinizing the political system and instead concentrating on pap.

“I think it’s awful. It’s terrible. You know, the news used to be to report facts and allow you to make the decision. All these shows are nothing but opinion moderators. They’re hired guns to push an agenda. I think it’s horrible.” Ventura said.

“When our forefathers created this country, the media was supposed to be the fourth branch of government, the unwritten branch.” Ventura added.

“Their job was to keep track of what the other three were doing and report it to the American people so the American people could judge it accordingly. What you have now is nothing but a media with opinion and a media that I remember the death of Anna Nicole Smith. It was the headline for a month – a month. And yet the meat and potatoes of running our country gets cast aside because why? The media today is not in to reporting the news, they’re in to creating it, and that is very, very dangerous.”

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