Neocon Radio


For nearly two decades I have listened to conservative talk radio because I used to think it spoke the truth, balanced the other so-called “leftist” media, and gave the common man a constructive outlet to vent.

It took a while but I finally realize I have been duped and so have millions of other Americans.

Conservative talk radio is mislabeled. In reality, it is Neo-Conservative Talk Radio. It exists not because it is popular but because it is necessary to the state, multi-national corporations, bankers, and the powerful bent on using the media to maintain the status quo, squash dissent, and brainwash Americans into thinking they care about the country and the common man. Neo-con talk radio gives the common man the illusion that today’s conservative hosts are libertarians. They are not. Libertarians are more like the Old Right while neo-cons are the new statists, the new globalists, and a threat to true freedom.

Neo-conservative talk radio exists to reinforce the war-mongering state, military-industrial complex, and global banking network. It seeks to reinforce the status quo, squash dissent, avoid debate, obscure issues, and cloud minds. Constant calls for more war, more nation building, and more government in the form of the military-industrial complex make neo-con talk radio anything but conservative.

I credit the presidential candidacy of Dr. Ron Paul with helping to awaken me from a thirty-five year slumber. I feel just as Neo felt when he was unplugged from the Matrix. I suddenly realize “reality” is not what it seems. Dr. Paul is like Morpheus in the Matrix. He sets people free with knowledge. He is a true physician. He is the true “Doctor of Democracy.”

And Dr. Paul is the only true statesman who understands the Constitution, the vision of the founding fathers, and the bedrock of ideas upon which the United States was founded.

And what does Neo-Conservative talk radio and TV do to Dr. Paul’s candidacy? It maligns, dismisses, and smears it. It labels Dr. Paul and his followers “extremists, whackos, loons, crazy, nuts, and delusional.”

Why? The last thing this country’s power brokers want are well-educated citizens who understand the Constitution and realize how far the country has been torn from its foundation.

The United States today feels like a house with just one-quarter of its structure sitting atop its original foundation.

Despite the dire consequences of inaction, apathy, and disbelief, I find reason for hope.

One need only look around, listen, read, and speak with so many on both the left, the right, and independent of political party affiliation to realize how many Americans are beginning to awaken from a long slumber.

If you listen carefully to the list of grievances on the right and the left you hear how many Americans are more libertarian than they realize.

I firmly believe more and more Americans want the same things from their government.

  • A non-interventionist foreign policy focused on free trade, diplomacy, peace, and good will.
  • Limited Constitutional federal government.
  • The abolishment of most federal government agencies.
  • An end to central economic planning headed by the Federal Reserve.
  • A return to real money, gold-backed currency.
  • Secure borders.
  • True protection of private property.
  • Protection of parents’ right to choose how best to educate their children.
  • The repeal of intrusive federal laws that currently block choice and restrain freedom.
  • A return to a small Constitutionally restrained federal government that protects all Americans’ God-given unalienable rights to freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

The next time you turn on a conservative talk radio show, listen to how many times you hear these issues discussed from this perspective. I am sure you will still be waiting years from now.

With Dr. Paul’s presidential run in high gear, it is time for Americans to unite behind one of the nation’s last true statesman.

December 7, 2007